Need help with new pigeon


Feb 19, 2009
On monday a pigeon landed on our roof. I caught it, read the legband, did some research, and contacted the owner. It is a racing pigeon. The owner did not want it back, because it had flown from Spokane, WA to Chelan, WA!!! So I need some help, I know almost nothing about pigeons.

I know that Racing pigeons are related to Homing pigeons, so what would I have to do to make sure that sticks around?
Does it need company? It is a really tame pigeon.
I believe racing pigeons and homing pigeons are the same thing
Yep, racing pigeons ARE homing pigeons. All racers are homers but not all homers...have what it takes to be a racer.

Since it is lost to begin with, you may be able to completely 'break it in' to your house. Plus you say its tame, so that will help. Pigeons love company, but it doesn't have to be another pigeon. They can get very attached to their owners if no other pigeons are around.

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