need ideas for a roost for15 standards

I built ladders out of scraps of 2x4's and 1 inch dowel rods- staggering the dowels about 1 1/2 feet apart starting about 2 feet off the ground. Also actually used an old wooden ladder , and they roost on the top 3 rungs of it. In my guinea coop, I built a custom pair of perches with a 2x4 ripped in half length wise, and sanded on the edges in between 2 2x4's the width of the walls of the coop.
When they aren't fighting, about a dozen birds will use the two levels. HTH Janet
You do want to round the edges or the 2 by 4 as it is much easier on there feet.

I have found the round is easier on their feet.
I am in the process of converting an old farrowing house into a deluxe coop. Until that is done-think spring- my hens are in bottle calf mini barns. (You make due with what was left behind!)
I use old broom and shovel handles nailed onto 2x4's that are nailed on the walls of the coop at a 45 degree angle. Right now the girls are happy all huddled up. In Iowa it is 50 below with the wind chill. My husband made fun of my little burst of "Iowa Inspiration" hob-cobbled togeather roost, but it does the trick and those oak handles are going to last forever!
I had the last laugh because even with the cold and wind I still got an egg out of my 5 hens!
The flat 4" side of the 2x4 is probably best for areas that get extreme cold. Allows the birds to cover their feet with their breast-feathers and keep them warm. Plus, a 2x4 will hold a lot more birds than a 1" dowling, or a 2x2. You get about 10 birds on one of those and you'll need a brace in the middle to keep it from bowing.
I'd have to agree with Tori on this one (I've had a lot of great advice from her). My hens (standard size) also love their platforms which I had not intended as roosts. In a cold climate you get the added benefit of a back wall to shield them from drafts and during the night they stand up to poop, go back a step to make a deposit and then go back to the edge. When you clean up with a scraper and catch bucket you get 98% of what they created overnight.
I fence in under my roosts so they can't pick through their waste,also good for letting it build up over winter.It's on a hinge so I just lift up to clean under in the spring.It's 2 roosts that are at the same level.(No king of the roost in my coop.) Will
i was thinking of making a roost fom 2x4s takeing 2 8fters and putting 4 ft peices of 2x4 for rungs.spaceing them a ft apart so they can roost on the flat side of each rung . the 2x4s should be round enough without sanding them right. what do you think.
This is what we have in most of our coops. The 2x4's are on the 4" side for the feet and the birds love it. My banties hate it but the standards are great on it, especially the Jersey Giants. I use the 2" side for the banty pen since they prefer it.
No one sleeps on the lowest step but it helps them get to the highest and 40 birds fill the top 2 steps.

I'm sure they're round enough,chickens are'nt picky.but if you have a router and corner round bit I'd run a pass around the board.I like mine rounded,but if you don't have the tool,no biggee. Will

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