Need immediate help to save juvenile roo

I'm so thankful there are other addicts out there. I'm not alone in saving chickens and Roos instead of just putting them dwn. U guys r awesome. Glad to hear mr. Elvis is better.
I cover Elvis at night so there are no drafts or anything. I lifted his cover this morning and he was standing there preening himself. My husband ran over and said - "I do believe Elvis is checking out of the Heartbreak Hotel."

He's taking a couple steps and then he wobbles and falls, but he gathers himself and stands back up. He does that for a couple minutes and then lays down and rests.

More later, gotta feed and hydrate him.
I'm sorry if I somehow missed it, but does Elvis have a vaulted skull? I only ask because some crested breeds have vaulted skulls, and the shape of their skull seems to make them more prone to brain injury.

Here's an image of what I mean by a vaulted skull: (not my image)

If so, it may be worth considering that his problems are also complicated by potential brain injury, sustained during the squall with the other rooster, which can cause swelling and some of the problems you described. This happens in vaulted silkies sometimes but I am not sure if this is a potential problem for Elvis or not.

If he is not vaulted, forgive my ramblings!
I just wanted to add, since I've had a golden polish rooster. When I used to carry him around the yard with me he would droop his head down like his neck was broken almost every time I held him. The motion of being held and carried would knock him out and he would sleep. So part of his problem might not actually be part of the problem. Yes, they have vaulted skulls and are very prone to being picked on by other chickens because they cannot see that well because of the headdress. It sounds like he's doing well.
He's doing even better this afternoon than he was this morning. He's been preening quite a bit and he ate AND drank on his own. He's looking around and checking everything out while he talks and talks and talks. No crowing yet but I'm looking forward to it.

He's standing almost constantly now. Still can't walk and steps on his own feet when he tries, which makes him fall over but at least he's trying. He's also getting up on his own when he does fall over.

Miles to go yet, but he's come SO far from looking like a dead rooster when he got here.
Elvis had a wonderful day!

I changed his enclosure yesterday. It's not as long but it's wider and taller. Since he's been starting to stand I wanted to give him head room and I also wanted him to have more room to maneuver.

I'm also now taping layers of towels in so he can't slide them out of the way and lose his traction. The added bonus is that it's much easier to clean. He's having normal poos regularly while standing and moving away from them so being able to change just the towels is nice.

It must have worked because he's walking the length of it tonight. He stood, turned around and walked to the other end and then turned and walked back. He turned a last time and laid down. He only lost his balance once and he put out his wings to steady himself and kept going. Earlier in the day he was standing and pecking at the bottom.

He also ate and drank on his own today. While I was changing his towels my daughter was holding him and coaxing him to drink. He took 17 drinks on his own. My daughter counted.

He's holding his head up almost all the time now. He still does the occasional somersault but he rights himself easily now.

I'll get a current pic of him tomorrow.
This news on Elvis sounds wonderful and very promising for a future for him.

Of course it's none of my business but might I say that what you've done for him is above and beyond the $40 you were intending to pay if he recovered. Just saying.

Looking forward to lovely pictures of Elvis soon...
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So busy yesterday. We have an emaciated nursing mother in and we are weaning the pups. Plus I had to go into town and that is an hour just in travel time. By last night I was so bushed I didn't post.

But, great news. Elvis is eating and drinking completely on his own now. I gave him chick starter mixed with scratch and he was actually picking the scratch out.

He also got to spend time outside yesterday and again this morning. He was eating grass and moving around. He even attacked my husband a couple times this morning for coming too close. HUGE improvement. I'm posting a couple pics and movies we took this morning.




As you can see he still has balance issues but he's up and moving and he seems to be making small bits of progress every day.

Do you think, based on how he's moving that he'll come back all the way?

The only med he's still on is Prednisone and we're weaning him off it. He should be completely off by the end of the week. The dose reduction doesn't seem to be making a difference in his mobility or recovery. These videos were taken before his meds today.

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