Need some home remedies

get an albuterol inhaler Rx from your doc!!! By steroid I'm guessing you're on an oral one like prednizone. That makes you feel a bit better temporarily, but you need something that goes straight to your lungs.

My grandpa went through the same thing at the beginning of the year, they under treated him (kept giving him rounds of prednizone, not good!) and when he didn't get better they thought he had CHF. Nope, just needed albuterol! It took two months of extensive heart testing before they sent him to a pulmonologist (sp) who immediately knew it was still the bronchitis, the prednizone had kept it from getting too much worse... but never helped him get over it.

I'm a big fan of home remedies, but I really think the bronchitis combined with your anxiety and stress... it's just going to get worse unless your lungs catch a break.
Uggg, well called the doctor this morning and said I was no better. Not sure if they got the tests in yet but they already had a prescription ready for me for a stronger antibiotic. Sorta thinking the results got in from the ER. Anywho started on that today. My husband is working from home today so I can just sleep. So more antibiotics and lots of the same home remedies to help bump me over this mess.
For sure watch for the pneumonia. IF you get night sweats, go back to the doctor, because you really could have progressed to that. . .try vicks on the bottom of your feet at night with a pair of socks. People SWEAR it takes the cold right out . . . I personally think hot steam is the best for chest congestion. I know the doctors push the cold mist, but if you have a tight congested chest, hot steam breaks it up and you can actually get it out. If you don't have one, boil some water on the stove (put some vicks in that too) and put a towel over your head and breath that hot steam. Makes you feel better and helps breaks up that mucus.

Hot teas, call the local health food store and see what they might have, I got my DS some cold tablets in there last year you chew, ($8 for the box I think) and we were so happy with the way they dried up his nose and just made him able to get thru the day at school. Massive amount of Vit. C. You don't keep it in the body, it is expelled thru the kidneys what your body doesn't need, and its usually cheap . . .

Get well soon!!!
I have nothing against home remedies.. but in your case you need something strong that will work fast because you're already compromised. I got sick the same way a couple years ago... kept getting the same sickness, bad bronchitis. The last time took over 6 months to recover from because I was thinking I could fight it off myself....wrong!! It ended up messing up my throat from coughing so much, I'm also winded and wheeze now, I can't yell without ending in a coughing fit or having my voice cut out.

So, my advise. You need sleep to give your body time to recover. See if the dr will give you a script for cough meds with codine in it. It'll knock you out. If you have spouse, make them get up at night with the kiddies, you need to sleep.
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Nurse here . . .

Glad the doctor prescribed a different antibiotic. Different infections respond to different antibiotics.

If you don't notice less junk in your lungs in 2-3 days, call the doctor again.

While you're taking the antibiotic (and please stick the the dosing schedule and take the whole course), I recommend several things to help your body heal:

Sleep. Your body needs sleep for the healing process. Pay attention to your energy level, and don't push your limits. If you're getting sore and tired, time to stop and sit or lie down.

Drink fluids. 8-10 glasses/cups (8 oz) a day, preferably tea or water. This will help loosen stuff up so you can cough it out with less effort.
Keep taking the mucinex for the same reason. The steam and/or cool mist will also help loosen stuff up.

Cough it out. Deep breathing exercises: Long slow deep breath in to fill up your lungs. Breath it out in like you're trying to blow up an air mattress (mouth open) try to empty your lungs completely. This exercise should rattle the junk in your lungs and get you coughing.

Sleep, sleep and rest when you're not sleeping. Hot soup, hot tea. And think kind, encouraging thoughts towards your body, think about how your body is healing itself and fighting off this infection.

I like podcasts for restful, calming guided meditatations you can listen to online. There is one for healing. Might help the anxiety.

Hope you feel better soon.
Yeah, definitely this! A different antibiotic is a must if the first doesn't work. I often take a z-pack for a sinus infection, but there are times when that just doesn't work. It all depends on the bacteria really. The same type of bacteria often have entirely different genetic makeups!
Home remedy that has worked for me time and again:

Raw honey poured over sliced onions, steep this mixture all night. Then....

Take something that will make you it wine, tea, antihistamine, cough med, etc. Run a very, very hot you can barely stand to sit down in. While you are soaking in this bath, drink a very hot drink of your choice...but as said above, limit sugar intake.

Do not wet your head. When you feel as if you are so hot you can barely stand it, both inside and out, get out of the tub. Dry off briskly, place Vicks Vaporub on bottoms of feet and apply warm socks. Apply Vicks to chest and beneath your nose, apply sweat suit to body. Go straight to bed and bundle up in the warmest covers you have and even place them over your head but leave a breathing hole. Run a humidifier next to your bed and keep the room warm.

This should make you feel so warm/hot that you are about to sweat yourself to death. No matter. Try to sleep.

The next day, take a teaspoon of the honey and power up on orange juice...three glasses that day. That day you will feel about 25% better than you did the day before. The next day continue with the OJ, the teaspoon of honey can be taken each night before bed or with each coughing episode, humidifier and Vicks should be repeated. The second day you will feel 50-75% better but still having symptoms. The third day you will be functioning well and will suddenly realize you haven't coughed for awhile and are feeling a good deal better.

This process merely causes increased core temp, simulating a good ol' fever, rushing white blood cells to the source of infection and speeding the immune system's response to viral or bacterial invaders. It works but only if done properly. If you do just part of it, it doesn't have the full effect and won't help much at all.
Knock on wood, I feel better today. I felt awful yesterday after I took the new antibiotic. ( should I be scared that it said its used for treatment of anthrax and to not get a typhoid vaccine while taking it) My husband did work from home though and I probably got about 20 hours of sleep. Literally. He couldn't stay home today because he has an interview but its been a pretty easy today too. He brow beat the older kids into agreeing on a bit of help around the house. Lots of guilt trips and threats of being hauled out to cut wood later, the kids did get some chores done for me. The doctors office called to check on me. I was told if I am not better by Monday to come in again. So we shall see.

Just to be clear, I am not looking to replace the doctor with home remedies. Most I am hoping to supplement medicine with some good old fashioned remedies. Just sorta give myself a bit of a boost to help me get over this easier. At this point, every little thing i can do to help myself is needed. I am just too worn down right now.
I'm glad to hear you are getting sleep and that the doc's office seems to be on top of it! Keep putting yourself first, especially while healing. Also, thanks for clarifying that you're not trying to replace hard core medicine with home remedies in this case.

I make a tea of fresh ginger, cayenne, honey and lemon.

Also, years ago when I had a bad case of bronchitis, I was advised to go to bed in a wet cotton t shirt, with a dry wool sweater pulled over the top. I smelled like a wet dog, but it seemed to help. I don't know why.

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