Neighbor shooting BB guns at my birds!

In many areas shooting a dog with a bb gun or shooting with any other gun with the intention of wounding is considered animal cruelty. Shooting them dead to protect your animals is not and is legal in most areas

It is suppose to be legal around here to kill a dog on your property if it even attacks a farm animal, or even a dog or cat on your land. However around here the police say no. Even though it is a county law, they say no.
It may be time for us to educate the local police.

I know I had to educate animal control. When I told them I was going to kill a dog and that it was legal, they freaked out. For three years I've been trying to educate them and they refuse to read the laws.
It may be time for us to educate the local police.

I know I had to educate animal control. When I told them I was going to kill a dog and that it was legal, they freaked out. For three years I've been trying to educate them and they refuse to read the laws.

There are days when I think the police don't know half of the laws really they act like it is peoples faults when they get robbed and don't even go looking for the guilty party. Just ticks me off sometimes. They act like having coffee and donuts at the local bakery is their only real job, or going to the local Chinese buffet.
It may be time for us to educate the local police.

I know I had to educate animal control. When I told them I was going to kill a dog and that it was legal, they freaked out. For three years I've been trying to educate them and they refuse to read the laws.

Where I live, I can shoot a dog as long as I feel it is a threat to my family, my livestock, or myself. I must then report it to the police, so they can come take pictures and a statement and haul off the body. If the dog has an owner and the owner is known they will notify them what happened an why. That is what 1 officer told me, in person. Another said I don't think you can shoot a dog on your property for any reason while on the phone. After some research the first officer is right, and the second needs to go back to school. My neighbor has already killed a dog with 1 of his chickens in its mouth and the sheriff did come, take pics and a statement and hauled off the bodies.
UPDATE: I took a couple of days to cool off, we built a small box coop for the roo and stashed him behind a bldg (silenced him all night and into the morn). When I saw my neighbor outside this morning, I decided to share the happy news that we found another home for the roo, and asked for confirmation that removal of the roo would solve the issue...
He denied having any problems with the rooster or it's noise, denied even being home the day in question, denied that his bb gun had the power to hit anything at that distance, and refused to say anything that could lead me to believe that he will cease fire. If anything, I left feeling threatened by his statement "Maybe you should take a picture next time".

My educational background is in psychology. My work directly deal with employment of disadvantaged and undeserved population, which many time involves dealing with vet's directly. My brother-in-law committed suicide by cop three months after his return form his fourth tour in Iraq in six years. I was married to a CO for 17 years. I state that so that you understand where I am gathering my information.

You absolutely need video/photography evidence to support your claims. This gentleman has, at the very least, a legal understanding of what you need in order to prove, in a court of law/legal authorities, the truth of your statements. To me this a huge red flag.

Without going into a in-depth conversation about the dangers of vets who have returned without proper mental health treatment I will say what you have stated here in this post is very concerning. Not only about the mental health of this person but also his career path. Many times those who return from military service are unable to reintegrate into society. They don't know how to function without the strict military protocol. They are drawn to police type employment due to having that need for very strict behavior control.

What I do if I was in this situation?
I would make sure that I had video/photography evidence that what I was saying was happening. I would make sure to protect my flock and family from this individual. Once I had the evidence I needed I would take this evidence to the local authorities and make sure that I documented every single report or contact with those involved. The "blue wall" is alive and well. That includes military and vet's.
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It is suppose to be legal around here to kill a dog on your property if it even attacks a farm animal, or even a dog or cat on your land. However around here the police say no. Even though it is a county law, they say no.

It matters not what a cop says, the law is the law and many cops believe what they say trumps the law. A cop can arrest you or issue a fine if they want to, that doesn't mean the DA will pursue it or the judge will convict if in fact you are acting within the law. My only guess in you situation is you may live in a municipality which has its own animal control regs which trump your county law such as a city or township. Where I live our town has no animal control law so it reverts to county law, that may not be the case where you are and may be why your neighbor was fined
I know I asked Harnett county police department when the dog bit my daughter and he said no we could not even shoot and kill a dog on our own property. Even Mr. Turner next door killed one that bit his horse and he killed it he got 10 days in jail and a $5000 fine. According to them it is the police and AC responsibility not the person that harm comes to or the farm animals owners responsibility. You have a dog go near one of my $5000 Emus and believe me there will be hell to pay. This is why I fenced it all in and put up the highest voltage fence I could get around it. I had a dog learn real fast one day not to pee even on my mailbox. I have a wire running around the bottom and if one pees it gets a lift that would wake the dead.

Are you within the city limits? It sounds like you probably are and if so, they probably have an ordinance against discharging a firearm within the city limits.
That would have made me sooooo angry I mean, they weren't even on his property. Arent there any laws against that??!!
Call the sheriff on him or if you want to have fun get a airsoft gun hide in the bushes, and shoot him! Remember to video it too!
Post it on Instagram, BYC, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. and send it to the sheriff
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