Neighbor's chickens are freezing to's really bothering me..

Could you manage to get them in the coop HE built for them and shut the door?
Emzyyy: There "coop" which is just a dog house has no door I wouldn't think. And I am kind of afraid of their rottweilers too. When I'm in their yard it takes every ounce of strength I've got to not run from the charging masses of 200lbs. muscle. I've always had a small fear of rotties. Not sure why, I love dogs but just rotts scare me.
And I am kind of afraid of their rottweilers too

I think that is your answer to the question of why they are in YOUR trees and your property.​
Well the one roo, the real mean one, survived all alone in the tree. I don't know how, it was only 14 out this AM. He is sleeping on my porch on the cinder block out there to stay off of the snow. So now it's bothering my DH too and he says he may hang some plastic in the corner of our porch to give them at least some shelter. The RIR they had, have not seen or heard him today (hmmm...?), had very watery foamy wierd poo. So I am concerned about putting them in my coop. Not sure if that poo means anything bad or not, my chickens poo looks much different. Man, I don't know what to do, this stinks.
oh what a horrible situation! (HI all I'm New Here!) Can you call the neighbor and sniffle on the phone that you feel bad for them and want to take them in? Maybe he just needs someone to say something.....or say your Son wants them and offer to buy them from him at a cheap price? or say maybe they should all room together for the winter that it would be better for your chickens too that they all stay warm together? try to make it sound like he's helping you out with a problem since he sounds like a helpful neighbor? Oh i feel so sad, I just put in a thrid heat lamp today for my girls because its sooooo frigid out. Hope this problem gets resolved soon! Good luck!
I'm sorry but if it were me that mean ol' roo would have to disappear! He is interfering with your, as well as your kids, ability to enjoy your own back yard and now that he is likely sick he his a greater threat to your birds. He is suffering. You are unhappy/concerned. I truly believe it would be kinder to snuff him as to let him die an aggonizing death in the cold. JMHO tho.

If I was in your shoes, that poor ole rooster would just disappear. It obvious that they (the adults) aren't too concerned with their chickens anyway. And it sounds as if they didn't much hang around their real "home," so the neighbors wouldn't know differently if another one disappeared anyway. Kinder to put that poor thing out of it's misery IMO. I wouldn't risk exposing your chickens any more than what's already been done, else I'd suggest simply calling them up and telling them that you suspect the rooster is ill and you'd be happy to adopt him.
Loralei: I totally agree. We did offer to process the mean roo for free and give them the meat. Their vegetarian daughter freaked out and they won't let us. So yes he just suffers. Make no mistake, I would process that mean roo in a heartbeat if it were up to me, I hear some people love Ameraucauna meat. But it's not mine which I guess is my dilemma. The RIR roo was not so mean, regular roo attitude, I would take him in but he is the one with super wierd poo. I am not sure why they are letting them suffer like this, his wife said she hopes the mean one gets hit by a car so it's gone. Then she thought I was awful for processing my cornish X's last summer, when I explained their quality of life isn't that great if they live for much longer than 12 wks., she said well that's better than cutting their head off. Go figure, I don't get their logic, I guess we just see things differently. I'd rather butcher mine than let them suffer, they act like I'm a murderer. The hubby is a hunter but says he can't kill anything he raises, but I guess he can watch them suffer. I don't get it:idunno
That has to be so hard ...

I guess I would also be one to have him disappear - I don't think I could eat a "dissappearing"chicken but quality/quantity and my guess is the neighbors couldn't care less about providing adequately for their remaining meany...
as for the RIR his poo is probably off because he hasn't eaten in god knows when. If you could seclude him for a while - maybe a dog crate in the garage etc. see if he bounces back, deworm him etc. before you subject your chickens to what he may or may not have (although being able to come in your yard etc. is putting your flock at risk for catching anything they might have anyway).

Come spring you could always release him and kind of play dumb - say you didn't notice he was in with your chickens

If you can catch either one of them at night - once the mean one is caught he'll settle enough that he won't be trying to attack you -but hang on tight !

Your stuck between a rock and a hard place . I'm so sorry for you and the chickens
... good luck in whatever you decide.
Thanks Kimb. It does really bother me which is why I posted this, I know you'd all understand my quirky feelings. I do believe the RIR must be dead because the one lone roo keeps crowing and there are no other crows in response like usual. Unless, and I hope, that the others found a warm spot and the RIR went there with them. Boy I hope so, but I have not seen hide nor feather of the others in more than a week, that is very unusual.

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