Neighbor's dog killed our chickens today!!

Even if you don't want restitution or hard feelings, the neighbors need to know the dog is an issue. Otherwise, they can play ignorant when it happens next time. If you have more chickens, the dog will do it again. Make sure the neighbors know to keep it on their own property.
Well just notified the husband and he is MAD and that's an understatement!! He is on the warpath so to speak. I convinced him to let me at least talk to him and not go rant over there!!
Well, you don't say where you are but first thing you should do is document. Pictures of deceased birds, times of death, plus notifcation to local law enforcement (police, sheriffs, animal control), including the neighbors' observations. Find out what the local animal control laws are regarding dogs - then hit your neighbors with a bill for replacement hens. If they won't reimburse you then tell them you will take them to small claims court.
Well the husband reports that one of your RIR's did make it. She is very stressed, but she is okay. He is bringing her up into our fenced in yard tomorrow for the day. We live out in the county so not sure if leash laws actually exist or not. We are in Ohio. I am upset that all three of your Salmon Favorellas were killed though. They were gorgeous and very friendly!!
I just moved to the country and do not let my dog roam free. Besides the fact that dogs can annoy the other neighbors, I have been told that one neighbor shoots dogs and another poisons them. He should be more protective of his dog and be responsible for damages to other neighbors. Dogs can roam for miles while chickens stay close to home. Free ranging chickens on your property does not hurt the neighbors or their property. I love my dogs and my chickens and I try to protect them both and protect them both.
I don't know about Ohio but there are leash laws for the whole state of Kentucky that basically say if the dog is not on its property and causing harm to someone else's property, its fair game for a bullet. It would crush me if someone shot one of my dogs, but if I give someone a warning about theirs and it happens a second time... I would make the husband do it. My own dog kill 4 of my chickens at one time this past December, and I wanted to kill him. I couldn't imagine it being someone's dog on my property. I tried looking it up. I found where I read about KY, it deals with "dogs running at large between Sunset and Sundown." Here's the link if you want to look at it.

Well the husband reports that one of your RIR's did make it. She is very stressed, but she is okay. He is bringing her up into our fenced in yard tomorrow for the day. We live out in the county so not sure if leash laws actually exist or not. We are in Ohio. I am upset that all three of your Salmon Favorellas were killed though. They were gorgeous and very friendly!!
I am so sorry you lost your chickens. I agree that you should tell the neighbor. And I agree that 10.00 is too cheap to replace a hen, especially if they are already of laying age. You have a lot more than 10.00 in food in them, not to mention the loss of eggs for the next five months, and the fact that they are your "babies"., at least mine are. And don't forget the work that goes into brooding new birds.

I don't care if you live in the country or not. If there is a property line than I can bet that there is a law that states that the dogs stay on thier own side of that line. We lost a chicken to the neighbor's dog as well,and they not only paid for the chicken, but bought me a BB gun. They knew their dog was at fault, and I bet your neighbors will too. Confronting them didn't help our relationship, but there was no way I was going to tolerate their dogs in our yard. I raise goats too so I wanted to make the rules perfectly clear.

It is hard to be the new kid on the block, but stand up for your space now, in the long run it will be for the best.
Step #1... Document. Call animal control and if there isn't animal control in your county then call the local law enforcement authorities to file a report. If any of my hens are killed and I find the dogs owner then they will get a $25.00 bill for the loss. It is not just a matter of going out and buying another egg laying hen. All of my egg laying hens have been raised from chicks or hatched from eggs. I know the environment where they were raised and everything about them. If I ever do recoup my money from their feeding and care it will be near the end of their egg laying cycle.

Whenever asked about your chickens remember that they are livestock and not pets. Laws regarding harassment or injury to livestock are much more strict than for companion animals.
I have neighborhood dogs that are free to roam. My own dog does the same. My dogs will not chase another animal as well as the neighbors dogs. I have never had a problem. Were my dog to kill someone elses chickens, I would take whatever measures it takes to remedy the problem.
I have neighborhood dogs that are free to roam. My own dog does the same. My dogs will not chase another animal as well as the neighbors dogs. I have never had a problem. Were my dog to kill someone Else's chickens, I would take whatever measures it takes to remedy the problem.

Sorry I was interrupted before I got to finish my post. Missouri has no rural leash laws. My dog is a well disciplined dog. 8 years with no problem. He is very protective of my chickens. As a matter of fact I never lost a chicken until he got to large (125 lbs.) to fit through the dog door to the backyard. My Little Dachshund is afraid of its own shadow and will not harm my girls either. Making him a not so good protector. All dogs that roam are not necessarily a problem. We have just never had a problem with anything. Not saying that we won't. Any dog that is aggressive towards livestock needs to be dealt with quickly. Since my large dog can no longer gain access to the back yard I have lost 2 of my girls. To what? I have no clue. I now have my game camera set up to see what is coming and going, and when. My dog stays on my property for the most part unless my neighbor comes home. Then he makes a beeline over there to get his daily Milk-bone from them. He is also very protective of my neighbors place too since their 2 dogs are inside dogs. They know that when he barks, something is up. I have had them tell me numerous times that they are glad to have him around. We got him from the Humane Society when he was a young pup. The day before he was scheduled to be euthanized. He has been the best dog that I have ever owned. Not all dogs who are allowed to roam are bad.

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