Neighbors hate rooster! Pinellas Co. Florida


12 Years
Oct 15, 2007
My neighbor can't stand my big beautiful Rhode Island Red rooster. We didn't mean to get a rooster. The 7 chicks we got last Spring one turned out to be Rusty the Rooster.
We live in Pinellas Co. Florida. To keep peace he needs a new good home. My 11 yr. old son is very upset. I keep him in the garage at night in a small pen covered up and he doesn't crow until I put him out with his "girls" after 8:00 in the morning, but the neighbor can't stand him crowing throughout the day either. He is a good rooster doesn't mind being petted loves treats etc.
I wish we could keep Rusty! But he has to find a new home. Neighbor called our house at 4:45am to tell us our Rooster is crowing! The neighbors house is 2 story and the crowing must bounce off the 2nd story. The neighbor keeps telling me how his dog doesn't bark and wake people up, well occasionally she does! hummph Anybody in Pinellas or Hillsborough Co. Florida need a nice rooster?
Next time his dog starts barking at two in the morning call them up.
I don't take any bull from my neighbors, I pay my taxes just like (most) everyone else. If my neighbor called me and told me my rooster was crowing at 4am I'd tell my neighbor to stuff a sock in their ear and that should help. Maybe that's not very neighborly of me, but I bet they wouldn't call again.

My neighbors dogs bark and I don't complain, so they have no right to complain if my rooster crows. Personally I think it's worse if dogs bark because it is constant. I've never had a rooster that would sit and crow hours on end.

I say if you are allowed to have a rooster and you really like having him, keep him.
As long as your a allowed to have chickens/roosters where you are I would fight it. If its legal than there is NOTHING she can do about it. Take her some eggs and tell her your sorry, and your trying to keep him quiet! Its worth a shot.
I wouldn't put up with that crap either. I have a neighbor that raises those expensive little "foo-foo" dogs that look like miniature dust mops. The dogs have enclosed housing, but can go out one of those "doggie doors" and into it's individual fenced run. Those little yapping, high pitch voiced, b*st*rds raise h*ll virtually all day, every day!!! I've even been up at 2 AM and heard the little yappers!! Yet, in the 4 years that we've been here I've never said so much as a word about them.

A couple of months ago, I was talking to the neighbor. She told me that during the 4 days that her children (adults) visited with her, they were awakened by my roosters crowing in the middle of the night. As her mouthy monsters steadily yapped in the background, she had the solid brass cojones to ask me if there was something I could do about the roosters crowing!! I told her that I would be glad to do so as soon as she shut those d*med mutts up or as soon as h*ll froze over.... "whichever comes first!!"

The dogs still yap, and all 3 of my roosters still crow!! And, believe it or not.... she still waves and speaks when she sees me!!!!!
My son agrees with all of you!!! Keep the Rooster!!! Yes, we live on land zoned farm so you can keep anything you want legally and I'm sure the decibles of a rooster crowing aren't above what is legal for noise either. So far Rusty the Rooster doesn't seem to mind going in the garage for the night, he gets a treat so all is good with him.
Well, then...... Don't upset your son (who aparently loves the rooster very much) by getting rid of the rooster. Instead, do like Angie n Maine said..... tell them to stuff a sock (or anything else!!) in their ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

City people just figure that you should do what they want. I knew someone that had the land near thier fields turned into a houseing area. When harvest time came they were out ,DURING THE DAY, harvesting and a woman walked to the field and asked if they could harvest on the weekend since her husband works 3rd shift and couldnt sleep with all the noise. WHAT NERVE!!!!!! He told her sorry but mother nature doesnt wait for no one and kept on going. Tell them that if they keep calling early in the morning you will be buying a couple cows and pigs and see what they think about that.. They then could smell along with hear the Good luck! Jenn

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