Neighbors let their aggressive dog free in our yard

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I just think neighbors like these will never have control over their dog even if they want to
(Dog owner)If they took the initiative to fence their yard prior to purchasing a dog, that would be the way to show respect to your neighbors.
Our property is fenced & we have 2 dogs. We keep our gates closed.. at all times. Dog owners are responsible for death and or damage caused by their negligence and lack of responsibility to respect other people's private property.
Our farm can be compared to the TV commercial years ago for the "Roach Motel". "They check in- but they don't check out".
Any dog that breeches our property line is dispatched. We have goats, pigs, chickens and ducks. We protect them with extreme prejudice.
But that is within in our County laws concerning us locally.
We are rural, you sound suburb. Call animal control. Establish a case. Our animal control loaned us giant live traps when we use to live the suburban life.
Personally, I have chased neighbors dogs out of my yard with 6 inch skinning knives before while the neighbors watched... They don't tend to come back after that... I don't have to worry much about anything on the farm, if a dog goes in the field with the horses, he isn't likely to come back out with all skin intact, if he comes out at all... Apparently chasing dogs down and stomping them is fun if you're a horse...
Do you live in town? If not than chasing the dog would be ok but I thought you meant you had a CLOSE neighbor
Do you live in town? If not than chasing the dog would be ok but I thought you meant you had a CLOSE neighbor
If I had a CLOSE neighbor who's dog was on my property, growling in my face, I would take extreme measure to protect myself from that dog. This is not a friendly dog. If I lived in town, I would for sure start by chasing that dog out of my yard. If the neighbor didn't get the hint, I'd maybe try talking with them first, and if that didn't work call animal control or local law enforcement. Living out in the country as I do, I can take more permanent measures. If the dog had gotten out once and wasn't threatening, I would for sure talk to my neighbors. If I felt threatened or it was killing my chickens SSS would possibly be an option. Every situation is different.

Edited to add - I do agree that electric fence would be a great option for the OP. That would definitely keep the dog out if the neighbors can't manage to keep their dog at home.
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I keep reading all this about shooting, animal control and all the drama......and think back to watching that white pit bull hit the electric fence, yelp, leave and that was that. No confrontations with neighbors, no yelling, no drama, no nothing. Dog leaves with his tail tucked between his legs and never comes back. Just saying.
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