Neighbors let their aggressive dog free in our yard

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You sound a lot like me and do not like conflict and confrontation, however, you should not have to put out any kind of money on fences of dogs or anything else to feel safe on your own property from a neighbor. What I would do, and have done, is go and introduce yourself. Face to face. A letter they can claim to never have seen. politely knock on the door and say a simple, "Hello, welcome to the neighborhood"...say who you are and that although you love animals, you have met her dog and you and your feather babies felt a little intimidated by the snarling. (maybe take a pup treat with you as good neighborly thinking to show you don't hate her dog, in a store wrapper so she doesn't think you would poison it either... lol)...Ask her nicely if she could please keep her dog from coming into the yard so the girls do not get scared as you rely on them being at peace for your peace. Ask her to come by sometime with her dog on the leash or without her dog to see them...maybe she has never had exposure to chickens and how amazing they can be. I know I had them as a kid and my mom always and to this day says how dirty they are (dad got them for me back then) but they are only as dirty as one lets them be. Does she know you can housebreak a chicken with some work? heck, I just learned that as an adult and gonna try once I am on summer break from teaching. My neighbors are unaware I have 2 at the house but they are little and the training will begin as soon as I can...Home owners assn wouldn't be please but my defense? It's a bird sanctuary! lol

All I can say is you need to make the first move, whether it be via face to face, a letter or animal control...I think face to face, in a non-confrontational manner is a start. If it continues, animal control, then the law, then court ordered? I think a face to face may be best and solve. please keep me (well us) posted how it goes!!
ALWAYS talk to your neighbors as the very first step when you have a problem. ALWAYS.
You can't divorce your neighbors.

You are stuck with them, and their dogs, kids, noise, whatever, until you move. Most people don't like moving - this is why and how you get neighbor wars. People don't talk until they are furious and go over ranting and raving and shouting and next thing you know it's the Hatfields and McCoys.

So talk to them because you can't divorce your neighbors. Be a grown-up, use your words and be nice. You can always scream and yell and threaten later, but starting out that way never ends well. So slip on the big-girl-pants, get a nice coffee cake and go over with it and say;
"Hey, we haven't properly met. I'm your neighbor, SilkieKeeper. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot, but it really bothers me when your dog comes into my yard, he makes me nervous and I'd appreciate if you kept him on a lead or in a fence or something."
"Oh, Cujo would never ..."
<smile> "I'm sure he wouldn't, you're probably taking him to the trainer in town <hand over business card of local trainer>, but all the same, I don't like it when he comes by and I'd appreciate if you kept him home. It was a pleasure meeting you!! If you ever need anything, please call <hand over your #>. See you around!"

Takes 5 minutes, and leaves them with a sinking feeling like they're a jerk if they do anything except for what you asked because you are so nice. No one wants to be the bad guy, everyone wants to feel justified in what they do. Think about it - when people shoot dogs, in their mind, they're not the monster that murdered Lassie, they think of themselves as the hero that saved the flock or the vigilante that keeps order, right? When you talk to them, YOU have a chance to write the script.
I agree with everyone who is saying don't call animal control and have a face to face with them. If you have a chat with them you can come up with a beneficial solution for both parties. Maybe it's some additional chicken wire on the fence line, maybe some electric fencing or a brand new fence. Maybe it's just them forking out to help you build out a nice chicken run or a dog run on their side. I don't know. You should definitely talk to them before calling in any authorities. Humans with a vendetta out on someone can do far more damage than growling dogs!
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