Nesting Roo


9 Years
Sep 21, 2010
Eden Utah
I have an americauna roo that gets in the nest, pulls the shavings around him and makes really funny noises!! What could be his problem? We have a BA roo also and I think he may be the boss. Poor Brigham!
Maybe he's gay?

Sorry couldn't help myself
he's letting his hens know where he wants them to lay eggs and eventually get broody...

i've seen cochin roo's do this kind of stuff on youtube... pretty cool imo...
My lead roo does this, arranging the nest carefully, then he paces near the nest and does the egg song while one or two lay and a few more hang around waiting to lay, or thinking about it, whatever they're doing.
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two of my roos do the same. He first goes into the nest while the egg layer stands outside the nest complaining. then he turns in circles inside the nest calling and cooing. He also re-arranges the bedding for her. Then once the hen hops in, he hops out.

my hens were so bad at one point, they wouldn't lay an egg until the roo had inspected the nest and told her where to lay her eggs.
So I guess chickens are similar to wild birds then... cuz the males are often the ones to find a good nesting spot and then they call the females to it.
Nothing abnormal. . . Just a rooster being a natural gentleman. You'll notice they will make trilling noises to laying hens, they'll make nests, they'll offer food, etc. It is all a part of getting a hen comfortable and accepting. Much better than a rooster to do things with force, tearing at a hen's back feathers.
Wow I had no idea!! He is quite handsome and really loves the ladys. Our other roo is a BA and I have never seen him behave like that. The BA spends alot of time chasing Brigham off the hens. I also wondered if he was gender confused! Good to know all is well in the coop. Its 3 below tonight and dropping fast hope they all stay warm.

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