
In the day it is around freezing here couldn't my girls with bigger combs have thier combs freeze?
I see everyone has already given you great advice on this question. I agree with it all. Open the doors so they can get in or out. If the weather is that cold they will be in more trouble if they are cooped up than if you let them out each day.
I've had no internet for 2 and a half days, and there are 4 new posts???? What, do you all have lives or something???

No rabbit babies. She's a day past due. I'm going to watch her tomorrow, and if nothing is new, I'm going to put her in with the buck again.

If the weather is only freezing, I wouldn't worry about their combs. Freezing is nothing. Below 0 is bad, and a lot of trapped humidity in the coop is bad. I've heard that you mostly need to worry about frostbite if you have bad ventilation. On clear days like today, I open the coop door wide to let some new air in. It also encourages the chickens to scratch more (I add new straw to get even more scratching) and toss on some DE to get everything dry and clear. I've also heard that you can apply Vaseline on the large combs, but you pretty much have to do this daily.

I had no problem last year with frostbite, even on Original's large comb. And they were in a much colder and draftier coop than they are in now.

We're having some internet issues right now. I'm surfing a friend's line right now. So if you need to get hold of me and have my number, call or text.
Very hard to get on-line when family is here. I don't want to miss any time with them and there is still so much to do around here.

Good news is the kids wanted to ride the new tractor so, after giving them a few lessons, I put them to work on what was left of the mini canyons from the erosion problems we had.
They had a blast too! I'm still too nervous to leave them alone while they are dragging dirt around the property.
I put her back in with him yesterday, and he fell off a few times. I'm watching closer this time, and learning a lot. It's so surprising how much you forget when it was your parents that did it.
OK I am gonna behave and not state the obvious joke here!

There is a woman in either northern California or Oregon or somewhere around there. I'll see if I can find the information on her. She has ABSOLUTELY STUNNING birds!

Here is her BYC page: oops... Barnevelders. They're similar... hold on, I'll check Welsummers.

Welsummers: he's in Washington

she's in northern California
Awesome links. These will go on our breeder's page after the holidays. :)
I put her back in with him yesterday, and he fell off a few times. I'm watching closer this time, and learning a lot. It's so surprising how much you forget when it was your parents that did it.

OK I am gonna behave and not state the obvious joke here!

You call that behaving?

I practically have tears rolling down my face!
I know everyone is very busy with the Holiday and all. I just came on to say Merry Christmas. I won't be on all of the time but it's nice when I can be.

I have not a clue with mating rabbits. I thought you just put them in there and your done. I mean the saying is they are mating like rabbits. Or something to that accord.
Since I don't want to leave anyone out I will just say...


And best wishes for the most awesome new year yet!!!

Hugs to you all!
Happy Holidays!

Sorry that I haven't been on since the NNPFA show. I Started feeling awful again right after, turns out the infection came back. It took all this time for them to figure out that the infection was caused by the fact that I'm pregnant again, and this time I have an IUD that my body is trying to reject. Hence the infections. I've had the thing for 3 years without any issues. So none of us thought it was the cause. Of course if I'd had any idea that I was 24 weeks pregnant I might have thought differently! Anyway the baby and I are both fine, albeit exhausted. They won't pull the IUD now because I'm so far along, but it hasn't moved and isn't currently a threat either. I feel bad that I missed the cookie exchange , and that I'm so far behind on my plans for this place. Life however likes to force me to slow down after I've missed enough warnings lol. Hopefully I'll accomplish more next summer, and in the meantime I'll just be grateful that we're safe and warm. Even if we're snowed in.
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