
I can't imagine! Maybe it's the way I sing. My voice coach used to say "I want you to open your mouth so wide you could drive a truck through it!" I don't stretch it as much as he would have liked but I am a "big" voice singer. lol
Haha! You definitely weren't raised by a Mom like mine! A story comes to mind but it really would gross everyone out!!!
I want to hear it!
So I am getting ready to do my run, my flock will be enclosed in their large coop at night, but I was wondering if anyone has tips to do a run that a cat can't easily get into?? My coop is too large for one of those enclosed dog pens. I have a Bengal and his favorite thing to do is kill anything he can
I was thinking run chicken wire across the run??

Also how is the best way to get into chickens? As I posted I am new to all this. Is it best to raise the from chicks or buy older ones? I heard their prime laying age is during the first couple years so I thought chicks might b the best way to go?
Along with covering the top you need to protect the run from animals burrowing under. Bury the fence 2' under the ground or extend the fence outward at a 45 degree angle 2' out along the ground. Bury it with an inch or 2 of soil held down with bricks or stones. Make sure it is attached securely to the bottom of the fence. Ron has a great setup to protect his flock. Maybe he'll post those pics for you. :)
So I am getting ready to do my run, my flock will be enclosed in their large coop at night, but I was wondering if anyone has tips to do a run that a cat can't easily get into?? My coop is too large for one of those enclosed dog pens. I have a Bengal and his favorite thing to do is kill anything he can
I was thinking run chicken wire across the run??

Also how is the best way to get into chickens? As I posted I am new to all this. Is it best to raise the from chicks or buy older ones? I heard their prime laying age is during the first couple years so I thought chicks might b the best way to go?
From what I've heard, and I'm certainly no expert, I don't even have chickens yet but working on that! But anyway, from what I've heard it's best to get chicks. Then you can handle them every day and they'll be less scared when they grow up, and you also know that they haven't been mistreated. Plus they're really CUTE!!!!!
If you have strong enough sides, you can hang chicken wire across the top, I've done that before. But keep in mind how much snow you get (I can't tell where you are). If you get more than an inch of snow, I wouldn't suggest it. You have to go out under the stuff with a good strong stick and beat it til all the snow is off, otherwise it keeps piling up and could collapse your pen. If you build an entire frame of support under it though, it would work fine. Even then, I wouldn't do it if I got a lot of snow.
I'm in golden valley. We will probably wait until the weather gets better to start our flock so that would work for now until I figure out something for next winter...
Thanks I think we'll try it plain with honey as you suggested first. It would be very hard to try and imagine what other teas might compliment it without trying the tea by itself first.

Now, do you know of a great tea for relaxing the throat before a performance? I am performing "Cry Me a River", (Julie London's version) for a friends's birthday in 2 weeks and he's a sweet guy that has been begging me to do this song for ages. This weather is, of course, very hard on the vocal cords right now and having a smooth delivery is critical for this piece. I really want it to come off without a flaw and a relaxed throat will help tremendously. Usually I just use warm water or a mild tea without any sweeteners but my Dad swears by this tea called Throat Coat. Trouble is I can't stand it due to it's strong black licorice taste!

Pam you also might know of something that works too. I'm usually taking allergy pills to keep the sniffling and throat clearing down but they dry out my throat something terrible! Thanks for any advice y'all can give me!

Boy I wish some of you were musicians and loved the old romantic torch songs. I'm trying to put together a studio for recording right now but am afraid I won't be able to put together a group. That's really the hardest part since artists usually have such strong ideas about how things should be done. I've been approached by many folks already but none of them are a good fit so far. Most folks up here want to do country or gospel and I just love the old Hit Parade songs and the sultry torch songs that were sung in so many old Jazz clubs once upon a time. I also love some of the 50s, 60s and 70s stuff so I want a group that can be flexible. And yes I may even throw in an occasional country song or two. I want folks that are talented of course but also have ecclectic taste in music. And NO whiners! lol Anybody know of anyone like that that's willing to spend some time working together and then seeing where it goes? I'm often asked to do community events and weddings but I don't even have a pianist right now! Nor a guitar player nor a drummer. Folks don't understand that 1 singer does not make a performance!

I also want to get going on a Christmas CD now. *sigh* I've had a ton of requests for a CD but am nowhere near set up for it (yet) I've got a lot of irons in the fire right now and they all feel important to me. But it will come together I'm sure. These things always seem to work out somehow. :) Just wanted you all to keep your ears peeled for me!
Cry Me a River.....what a great old torch song! Love, Love, LOVE a torch song. When I was singing professionally, I always said I would give up the band for a piano and a lounge to belt them out all night.

I drank warm water. Added honey and lemon if I was congested and salt sometimes...and whiskey

The only thing that I have ever used, Sunny, is a lozenge. I use the Halls Honey Lemon lozenge. Will you be singing longer than 3 minutes or so? If you can't stick the lozenge in your cheek and still sing, maybe you can use it up until the time you perform. I am able to stick it in my cheek and be fine. It moisturizes my throat enough to get me through it. There is also a product on the market, I'm not sure of the name but something like Moisture Drops, also a lozenge. I don't know of any teas, sorry.
I don't think it would be wise to try to sing (especially a big torch song) with anything in your mouth, too much of a chance to choke while you're controlling your air.
is it just me or does every single lady on here have a storey that starts with "when i used to sing.....", maby in a few years they will discover that people that like to sing are at a higher risk of getting addicted to chickens

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