
We just won a huge victory in Sparks Nevada. The city Council just passed and Urban Agriculture Ordinance. It allows Community Gardens, Bee keeping and BACKYARD CHICKENS! It was a fight that took 2 years, although I was only involved in the last few months. Now I get to keep my babies! I am so thrilled.

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm in Wingfield Springs and we are gearing up to a buy a house in the spring/summer and I think I've successfully convinced my Fiancé to let me build a chicken coop and start a small flock once we get settled in even though she thinks I'm crazy for wanting them. Right now I'm just reading everything I can so when the time comes I can do it right. Unfortunately my better half is pretty set on living in Sparks (but said she'd consider Damonte Ranch) so I'm hoping that Sparks changes their ordinance soon and allows backyard chickens. 

Just wanted to introduce myself, glad to see that there's some local knowledge around. 

Welcome! Nothing more natural than wanting to raise your own food. Chickens are a pretty easy way to start. Can't beat the taste of fresh eggs.

Check the map showing the areas Sparks has just zoned for chickens before you buy. It's pretty limited but sure better than nothing. Good luck!
Chickens we have a silver sebright Roo, 2 buff orps, 2 dominiques, an ameraucana, and a silkie mix.
Goats are still in the works. We have plans to get two Nigerian Dwarf doelings. I dont want to just jump into anyones old goats, so when I see the right ones come along we will get them. But Im super picky, I want a Tricolor and Id like a blue eyed. Lol Will probably get registered and bred for milking.

A friend of mine out here in Pahrump has a registered tri-color ND Doe that is ready to drop kids any day now....thatis if you might still be interested in getting into goats.
So, possibly moving to the Reno area in March....

What are the rules on "house chickens"? The ordnance I read made it sound like they had to be in an outdoor coop....

Also, what is with this rule about not being able to dye your chickens? ( Our silkie is currently pink)

Any recommended areas around Reno to look for housing that is chicken-friendly?
Hello from Pahrump!

Here's some pics of our critters!







So, possibly moving to the Reno area in March....

What are the rules on "house chickens"? The ordnance I read made it sound like they had to be in an outdoor coop....

Also, what is with this rule about not being able to dye your chickens? ( Our silkie is currently pink)

Any recommended areas around Reno to look for housing that is chicken-friendly?

Hi Pinky, welcome! Most of Reno is fairly chicken friendly. The only issue is that the codes state that if they become a nuisance they can revoke your rights to have chickens. So if someone complains then its an issue. Also any HOA can refuse its member's right to own chickens.

Sparks has just passed an ordinance allowing a small number of chickens but the areas they allow them are limited. So just check with the neighbors and HOAs in Reno to be sure they are ok with them before you put in an offer and check the map and any HOAs as well in Sparks.

As far as the dye goes I doubt anyone would say anything. That came from a rash of people who were dying baby chicks inside their shells, then once they hatched go out and sell them like toys for easter. The dying itself cause problems, since the dye was injected inside the shell with a needle, and the little chicks often died after being handled by small children who had no business playing with them in the first place. It was very sad so the city put a stop to it.
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