new baby goats and a lamb (update pics of two new kids and the lamb)


12 Years
Jul 18, 2007
Well guess what the last two days have been really exciting. My dad called me the yesterday at school to tell me that I had a lamb. Was so not expecting that one but he is doing really good. Big little guy too. He is a tunis cross. Well than this morning I called to say that I have gotten to school alright today since it was pretty nasty out well surprise one of my pygmy's had her babies two pretty little girls. One is black with white ears and the other is brown. I will post pics asap might be a couple of days with everything going on.
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Here are some quick shots of the kids I will get better ones. The lamb I hopefully will get some this weekend


LOL I'm afraid you'll have to wait for babies from him haha! I have a white agouti buck who mainly makes white agouti babies, and have waited forEVER for a colored buck ( I have three hahaha). So exciting! I'm sure you'll find a pretty boy!

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