New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

I was commenting on how big the Brahmas are getting and how big the poop is, LOL. DH said, "Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you move Rita's group into the Brahma pen and the Brahmas into the larger pen?". Well, duh, why didn't I think of that? Six smaller bodied hens (except chunky Georgie) in the 5x8 and seven soon-to-be gargantuan Brahmas into the 8x8 seems like a better arrangement, right? And the nests are lower to the ground in the smaller pen so easier for the older hens to jump up there (yes, they do still lay, though not that often).

Rita, Georgie, June, Maretta, Alice and Neela in the former Brahma pen. May be fewer hens soon since June is 8 1/2 and Georgie is 7 1/2 years old so it will only have more room in the future, unless I add a hen or two in with them.

And the seven member Brahma Brigade in the 8x8 with wider roosts, plus roost extension.

Will you look at this "Birds of a Feather" photo? Three Blue Partridge together, two Partridge pullets together with Bruno standing in charge nearby, and the lone Dark gal, B.J., by her lonesome at the feeder.
Would you say that Bruno is the more dominant one for now? And how has their crowing been?
Bruno is still the dominant male, yes. The other day, Bruno was crowing his heart out. I haven't heard anything from either of them since that day, unless it just got lost in the chorus in the barn and I didn't audibly separate their voices from the rest. Remember, I have Atlas, Xander (who has a deep voice for a small male)Hector and Apollo in the same building. The D'Anvers, well, they are like toy roosters, with very shrill voices, so they sound like what they are, mini-chickens. I certainly haven't seen Bruno or Bash crow since that other morning.
The Brahma Brigade is 16 weeks old today. Bruno lightly nipped my arm yesterday when I reached for him, as I was picking him up to move him. He acted nervous, like he didn't know what I was doing. He's only done that twice in his entire life, but he's really beginning to sound and act more adult, though I've not seen him make moves on the girls yet. Bash is overall a milder sort of guy so far. Bruno is definitely in charge.

I'm seeing a lot of height on them now, which I think you may see in a couple of the photos. I noticed that Bash is very bony, like his frame is way ahead of his bulk, but that seems like that would be normal for a very slow-maturing, super large breed. Am I right?


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