New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

Free range time. This bunch travels far and wide. Getting a video uploaded of some of them today.


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My babies hatched! I ended up with 8 under one hen and 5 under another. They are partridge and dark, not sure if I have any blue partridge in the bunch, but it doesn't look like it. I may have to come up there and do a Bash-napping!

Bruno is still large and in charge, but they rarely even spar. Seems it has been accepted that he is the boss and Bash is second-in-command. Here they are today. This Wednesday, they'll turn 18 weeks old. Hard to believe!

At what age do you think they'll start laying eggs? And has there been any breeding yet?

No mating yet. They are pretty behind the times, more like Apollo was at that age. As far as eggs, I'm thinking it will be a couple months before I see any eggs from them. I have only my two hatchery Brahmas to judge by-one laid at 19 weeks and Caroline at 30 weeks. I believe Caroline was more normal for a Brahma than Miranda was, hatchery or not.

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