New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

How has Bruno been today?

He hasn't done anything, but I also have not fed him by hand nor really thrown out scratch in his sight. I let him out of his pen and herded them back inside, no actual interaction between us. If I reach for him to pick him up, he would probably turn and bite me, but I'm not going to pay him any attention. When I move toward him, he gets out of the way (complaining under his breath usually, LOL). I'll give his hormones time to chill and in a couple of weeks, we'll see if he bites me when I have to catch him. On the other hand, I can reach toward Bash and he'll let me touch him with no problems, no aggression whatsoever.
Sounds like Bruno's the king, and Bash knows it! I'll be happy to come up there and take Bash off your hands, although it looks like I have five or six boys in my group.
They are looking beautiful (and handsome)! Has Bruno's behavior gotten any better?
I haven't created an excitable environment for him lately, throwing his scratch when he isn't looking, not feeding him by hand. He has just gotten out of my way when I walk into the pen. So far, so good. I'd really hate to have to get rid of him so I hope he has learned a little something, or like Hector, his brain is finally catching up to his physical development (though we're not out of the woods yet).

Bruno has the "don'ttouchmedon'ttouchmedon'ttouchme" attitude when I got to rub my hands down his sides when he's on the roost-I do it with him facing away from me, mitigating the chances of him biting. He calms down in a second or two. I can do that to Bash from the front and he's perfectly fine with it, much calmer about the whole thing than his larger, more dominant brother.

Sounds like Bruno's the king, and Bash knows it! I'll be happy to come up there and take Bash off your hands, although it looks like I have five or six boys in my group.
We just love watching those two. Was just remarking how stunning they both are. My husband is partial to Bruno's darker coloring. I like them both but I'm very happy to have Bash, being so attached to my blue chickens over the years.

This morning Bruno sounded the alarm outside, very distinctive voice so I knew it was him. Birds came shooting into the barn from both ends.
Hey Cyn -

It looks like I have a "Bash" of my own again! And a "Bruno" or two. Spice Girl isn't too keen on letting me get pictures, but she has one partridge boy. The other mom has a partridge boy and a blue partridge boy. It looks like I have two blue p. Girls, too. There's a red splash pullet and a cockerel and a couple of "I don't knows."


@Sjisty oh, they're gorgeous! Everyone should have a Bash, don't you think? Bruno is trying out his "big boy" voice. Oh, my, it's painful to listen to, sounds like he's really straining his vocal cords, LOL. He tries to put as much "oomph" into it as BR cockerel, Hector, does. Hector has about 9 syllables and a prolonged balloon-wheeze at the end. I almost expect his face to turn blue when he does it.

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