New Brinsea Bator - $99 OMG

My incubator is due to arrive today. I have given DH instructions NOT to go anywhere until it gets here. He works from home so he will be the one to receive it.

I told him where to put it when it gets here and asked him to go ahead and set it up because it has to run 48 hours before using.

I have 24 eggs silkie and BR/RIR mix so i should have black sex-link. That is if I got the right eggs. WWe have both RIR and BR hens but I think the BR are the lighter ones with the pink tint.

Here goes my fisrt attempt and my addiction to hatching....

I can't wait to see how it is paked that it cost 42 to ship. I do know it is coming in 2 boxes.

They have the Binsea here:

Its got S&H included, but there is a section on their site that says they have a price match Guarentee, IDK if they would match the Brinsea price or if their shipping was more reasonable.

Probably going to buy a second incubator myself this week, I had a Hovabator in mind, but the Brinsea looks nice, I like that you can turn without opening it! I wonder, would you keep turning it after day 18 then?

I wish it held more eggs though, 24 isn't very many....
Depending on where you live, anywhere from $22 to $42. I think that people who ordered the turner were charged a separate shipping price for it in spite of the fact that it should ship in the same package....which is why it was costing $42. Nonetheless as bad as I'd love to have one of these, even $22 for S&H is gauging to the customer and kinda nullifies the sale price for me.
Yikes! That's steep. It looks like an awesome bator, but with that price for shipping it's not a deal like it seems. I bet that's where they get you, put it on sale and make it up in shipping


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