New BYC... Anyone excited?

I was so excited that I bought a GFM.

Now I'll know what the advantages were for them by experiencing it myself!!
(Even if I messed up the order and had to fix it... I'm not the best byc purchaser ...LOL!!)
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I didn't like the idea at first, but I suppose change is inevitable (except from a vending machine... sorry, I had to.) and the new site is growing on me.
ray's two cents :

I didn't like the idea at first, but I suppose change is inevitable (except from a vending machine... sorry, I had to.) and the new site is growing on me.

When did you get that GFM?
I need to pay more attention!!​
Sure its exciting!! Its kinda like buying a new pair of jeans.... its gonna take a couple washes before they fit like the old ones, but pretty soon it'll be like second skin, but without the holes in your pockets.
I can hardly wait to go to sleep and wake up!
It will take a little getting used to at first, but I think in the long run it's a good thing.

I can't believe that in just 5 years, BYC went from 100 members to 117,000 some odd members. That is awesome!

I understand the "needing to move into a new house" explanation completely. The family has just gotten too big!!
When did you get that GFM?
I need to pay more attention!!

I was gifted one a few weeks ago, and I won another in the scavenger hunt.
It's good you're getting one too!

When does this start and when we it be done?

Nifty said 6:00 AM PST and it will probably take all day. (It's over in the big announcement thread.)

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