New chicks!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
I'm not new to raising chickens or ducks, but I haven't had them since my days as a 4-Her. I decided this was the year that we were going to start our own flock so I picked up some reds, buff orpington, a breed I can't remember [oops] and a few bantams for their cuteness factor. Today I also picked up a few barred rocks and 3 silver laced wyandottes will be here this weekend. The plan is to get a couple of turkeys and a few cornish x's as well, but we're waiting for our current girls to be in their new coop before we worry about building a tractor for the meat birds.

So here's our gang:


We also got a couple of ducks for our pond. Here are the 3 reds and a buff in the back. Anyone know what breed the little black and brown one is? I got a couple and I forgot which breed they were.


The two batnams, another one of the gals from the breed I can't remember and a buff.


About two weeks old.


Their first time outside. The ducks crack me up, they're so in your face.


The buffs and the reds.


The new rocks! I love these gals!


These gals are by far the friendliest in the group. Only had them one day and they will already sit there and wait for you to pick them up. The only problem so far is that they tend to wander off by themselves instead of staying with the group like the rest.

So that's our flock for now. Right now the significant other is building a coop for them so I'll be sure to post some photos when he's done. I'm really excited about making it cute and "homey" even though it's just for the chickens.
I would like to hear folks guesses on those little chipmunks, too. I have two that started out that way, both with orange legs. I read that EE have green legs. Hmmmm....
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure they are Ameraucanas, as it is one of the breeds my "dealer" advertises as having. Thanks guys!

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