New Clothing: Full Color My Pet Makes Me Breakfast!

understood...but with the way the economy is...."and me being layed off" every dollar start's to count. Would i buy this somewhat expensive shirt to support the website if i was well off and times were good???...yes..without a doubt. And that's more than fine for the people who fall into that catagory. I just think as a smart business move is to focus on how many units can be moved/sold in light of what the production cost was.

I believe it was mentioned that "tight-woven" cotton was picked to make this shirt and that it's more expensive...thus meaning production cost is up...and to make a good profit...consumer price must go up. The way i see it is you take good grade material's...."not the best but still decent quality" and then pick your color number before you screen/iron on the design.."another production cost thought".

I guess what im getting at is in "today's" economy...lesser priced unit's that are made of decen't materals..will move ten fold faster than the best quality materal's that are forced to sell at a higher price to balance production cost's. Just my .2 cent's. They are great shirt's...just hope that ship'd price would go to 15 couldn't KEEP these in stock if they sold for that
We do want to thank those that support the site. "Support" is done in so many ways: Helping members with questions, creating content for BYC (e.g., coop & breed submissions), spreading the word about the site (blogs, handing out cards, emailing friends, etc.), supporting our sponsors, and buying BYC merchandise and GFMs.

Many people buy stuff from BYC because it is great stuff. Some do so to help support the site by thinking of their purchase as a "donation". Some sites run completely off of donations. I personally have always tried to stay away from the "donation" model since I've always felt uncomfortable with those types of systems. It seems like the site admins are always begging for money and it ends up with a few people supporting the masses.

This is why we have sponsors, merchandise, and GFMs to help defer the costs of running the site and adding new features while trying to provide additional value.

Regarding prices: A whole lot of time and money goes into the process. Everything from design, ordering, printing, processing, shipping adds to the cost, but we work hard to keep our prices as low as we can. Please remember we often have sales in the store and offer stuff as prizes and gifts to try to accommodate those that are in hard times right now.

Again, thanks to everyone that supports BYC in so many different ways! We want to continue to be here when you need us for years and years to come!
"My pet makes me breakfast" Hmmm.... Grammatically (I'm an English teacher), this could mean "My pet makes breakfast for me" or it could go with a picture of a Pit Bull eating me for breakfast. You know, "My pet makes me be his breakfast".

(Don't yell at me for picking on a Pit Bulls. I love Pit Bulls, but the stereotype was useful here.)

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