New Clothing: Full Color My Pet Makes Me Breakfast!

Sizes were the big compromise with the ring spun cotton shirts we ordered. They are great quality but very limited in sizes.

We'll keep looking for alternatives that offer quality and sizes... but for now I'm taking a long shirt ordering break!!!
Exactly why I have a stack of the BYC University T's, a sweatshirt for me, hoodie for me, T's and sweatshirt for DH- to help support the site and show off my love of the feathered beings !

I hardly think "sales" from time to time..."personally I have yet to see one..and i check the store often" can make up for the type of economy we are ALL struggleing through.

My point was simply this.... better priced shirt's at decent grade materal's = more consumer intrest which in return = more sales which = more money to help our site we have all grown to know and love.

More expensive shirt's with the best materal's = less intrest from the member's on the board which = less ammount's of sales which = way less ammount's of money to help our site run the way we all want it to.

To me..if you could find a few things you could cut corner's on, materal's...shipping....the ammount of color's... grade of would then be able to afford to sell your shirt's at a much lower price. Which in return = a WAY larger ammount of shirt order's by the members on this forum. Now, it may sound like im trying to put together a crappy product with cheaper materal's.....not true. T-shirt's do not have a HUGE spectrum of toughness and reliablilty. I have had $80 t-shirt's and ive had $5 t-shirt's and they all held up the same after washing, rolling around on the ground, and anything else life could throwat them. lol.....actually more times than i can remember...the cheaper shirt's held up better than the more expensive ones did!!

I just know you would move 10 TIMES more shirt's if they were 15 shipped rather than what you have them at now. It's a win win really, you adjusted how much it cost to produce them, your shirt's are now FLYING off the shelf's!!!! and with twice as many sold shirt's sold would still be makeing more money for the site even if the old price shirt's bring in more money per shirt. It's win win all over the make more money for the site "and possibly a little pocket change" we get our GREAT shirt's that we will love and be happy with...and if this was not good enough...we are giveing the site free advertisement!! when we walk around in our spiffy new shirts!

I may be completely wrong, but everything i said above seem's to be right to me and feals the best to me.

Thank you!
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I completely understand what you are saying. The concept is called elasticity of demand.

You say we'll move 10 times more shirts at $15, but I promise that isn't the case. Maybe next time we'll run cheaper quality shirts with a single color print again and see if that makes a difference.

If you want to discuss this in more detail we can take it offline to PM instead of monopolizing this thread.
Thanks, Rob.

Ok, all of you who ordered yesterday and today....your shirts and other goodies are going out in tomorrow's mail! They are all packed and ready! I think there are about 30 packages!

Anything ordered before 9 tomorrow morning (pacific time) will go out tomorrow as well.

Thanks for all the support!
I personally, having actually worn one of these shirts, think they are priced just fine, IMO, considering that almost any specialty t-shirt that isn't mass produced will cost you this much money. Plus, they may not be the high quality of these, either. My son has started his own specialty t-shirt business featuring his original artwork, so I have a little experience with this. The material on these shirts is superior to the original ones we offered here on BYC.
I've bought high quality shirts, and cheap shirts. most of the good shirts are still around, the cheap one last a year at the most, I've learned to pay a little more up front and use it for 5+ years or buy a new one every year with the cheap one, which in the long run costs you more. 5 years one shirt $17 or a cheap $10 shirt every year, I do not like to go shopping.

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