New Coop- new ideas?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 3, 2013
Hello! I'm wondering what is the best type of flooring to put in a 10x20ft coop my husband and I just built for our chickens? It cost us about $1,000 but it's totally worth it. We where thinking sand but I wanted to see what everyone else is using for large coops like ours. Also because it's such a large coop I'm looking for ideas of things to put in it that our chickens might like. Feel free to throw ideas at me! Thanks everyone!
I have musical chickens so I've provided buckets for them to tap their beaks on, it's quite funny when they all get to going.

My coop will have plywood flooring and I'm going to put Blackjack 57 on it and up a bit of the wall. I plan on putting sand in my coop as well but it can rot the floor

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