New coop! Should I wrap some of the run to protect the girls from the wind?


Nov 17, 2020
I’m new to chickens and I’m so excited about our coop! I designed it and helped build in 😁 I took to this website constantly for coop advise. I’m working on a few more vents and insulation tomorrow inside of it. I might even wrap some of the run in clear tarp to protect the 5 girls from the wind. What do you think?


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Sorry! Forgot that important detail! New Jersey. We live on the river so the northeast winds can be brutal!
Since you already have them, I bet the bales of straw would be handy.

I have to worry about the wind and snow in Wisconsin so I slide corrugated plastic sheets on the sides of my run but leave about a one foot gap at the top to allow for ventilation in the winter.
Oh my! I love idea!! I have some those sheets now bc I’m going to waterproof the ceiling (under the stairs platform). Never thought to use that to protect against the wind! Hum....
It is 20 square feet. And the girls get it it the run(which is 64 square feet) by a pop up door. See pics below. I insulated it today and we also got out first egg!!


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That's a pretty cute little coop. Also congrats on the first egg! I'm in NJ also. I didn't put any tarp around my run last year since it was a pretty mild winter last year. This year I've put tarp around 75 percent of the run. I think you should wrap the run against wind if you want to. Be sure to leave some ventilation room tho.

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