New coop

I occasionally tack a picture in the coop of a fine looking rooster from last years calendar so my three hens have some eye candy too!
My husband chuckles everytime I do this, but why have chickens if you can't enjoy the experience?

I agree. Make them feel at home as 4 bare walls are no fun to look at when you are laying eggs.
LOVE your colors!!! And your curtains!
At first glance I thought your window was a built in television!!!

Now that is an idea with the tv!!! Maybe put the dvd player in as well and they can watch the Egg & I while in the nest boxes. :)We do have an a/c unit in their coop and they figured out to go in when it gets really hot outside. When I come home from work, no one is in the run. They are all hanging out in the coop. I have sand instead of shavings and they love to sand bathe in there.

Thanks ChickInDelight- I try to clean every day after work when I have the girls running in our backyard. The sand is easy to sift. The poop boards are removable ( as well as the roosts) and we have a sink outside. First scrape the poop, spray with diluted bleach and rinse in the sink. I had some mop and shine and I use that on the tiles. Seems the poop slides off easier.

With everything off, I can clean the walls if need be. Seems the older the girls have gotten, not much poop on the walls anymore. Or their aim is much better!

I think we have room for a fold down bed. Could make it the high roost. I am sure the girls would love to bunk with you.

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