***New England Winter - Now this is getting stupid***PICS ADDED

LOL.. you know some wacko will show up and think they are still flying out..

Bradly right?
Looks like the forcast changed for us... now its only saying 6-12 inches.. not the 12+ that it was saying before.
Yes, but driving to Lenox is going to stink for me,whether it's is 12 or 12+...UUUGGGHHH, I'll be digging out the truck in the AM, after of course, digging out the barn, then the coop.
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I finally finished winterizing the last coop today (jeez waited a little huh?). Everyones got plenty of water/food for the next few days just in case. Of course, the coops are all right near my house so there's no excuse for me to NOT be able to go check on them all but at least I won't have to haul food or the hose out for more water

I really can't complain too much after all it IS New England and this is the first time in the 8 years I've had chickens/ducks that I've been able to wait until the END of December to remove the yard netting. Usually, it's down by Thanksgiving so I'm grateful that the animals had another month of not being confined to their runs!

Wood stove is burning, new refrigerator got delivered today and everyone's home. We're all set and ready for the storm!
Since when is 10-18" a big deal in New England? A REAL N'eastern can easily dump 36-40". I have only lived here about 12 years but have seen enough to know when not to sweat the small stuff. Winds are another matter though. I am in no mood to be without power for 2-3 days. Not in these temperatures.

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