New Englanders! Much ado about New England!

Good Morning NEw Englanders!!!!

I have speckled sussex chicks and BO chicks if anyone is looking. Hatching eggs too. ANd the turkeys of course!! I am giving up some of my layers to good homes if anyone is looking for good layers= some are mixed breeds, some are direct from a hatchery.

One of my toms-- a sweetgrass

hi ya'll yes I am from the south.... been here now on 12 yrs ") I have 10 straight run buff orpingtons from SOP stock. these birds are going to be HUGE Nothing like hatchery birds at all.. Asking 10.00 each for them ") Visit my FB page Reniespeeps to see my stock.
Guys im looking for a female ewe or goat!! Bred if possible, or a young'n Im willing to travel a bit also, If anyone knows someone let me know, Ive been told to try an auction but I had a bad experience once and Im afraid to try again, Thank You So Much!!

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