New hatchling and I am at a loss


8 Years
Nov 20, 2011
My baby chick just hatched this morning at 5:39am, there was no pipping until it was 1/2 way out. Now 12 hours latter there is a bloody bag coming from it's rear. Since this is my first time with hatchlings I am at an absolute loss and worried that I am going to loose my baby. Can anyone out there help me?
Rectal proplaps.

USe google search to get the detail. MUST TREAT IMMEDIATELY. SOme recover, some donot. USe hemeroid creme, and need to get it back in CAREFULLY without puncturing the thin GI tissue.

Good luck.

Try these. Keep it moist-- you are seeing the INSIDE of the GI, it's not meant to be dry.

I'll keep looking for the one where gentle pressure using a qtip is used to reposition it back into normal position. Use a cone like a dog to keep him from pecking at it; mine did not peck at it.
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I politely disagree...

Sounds like your chick didn't absorb its yolk sack properly. Research unabsorbed yolk sack on here... her prognosis depends on whether any intestines are involved and also how quickly you can get her to eat and drink quickly. Good luck!

Oh and
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You do need to be sure if it is the umbilical area OR the vent area. I took you at your word when you said "rear" . Read a couple threads to help you decide which it is.

You will find yolk sac info among those for rectal prolapse and picky prolapse. GL

Was this a late hatch chick? THe yolk often doesn't get fully absorbed with late hatch chicks. If you think its the yolk unabsorbed properly, you should be able to find and ID The vent under the tail. GL
Okay so after looking more closely, it does look like an intestine but it is coming from the stomach. Sorry if I am not all that great with the body parts of chickens when writing to you.

As for the hatching date it was day 20 for this one. I put vaseline on it for now. And to be quite honest scared to death of trying to push it back in. Used the qtip to apply and warm water to clean it off. Now she's under the heat lamp as she is still a little shaken up with the first encounter. She did not do a lot peeping when I was washing it off and when I put her down, she seemed exhausted. I am preparing myself for loss right now but will keep hoping for success.

Anymore suggestions, I am probably going to be reading this all night long until I can see she's alright if that is the right expression.
I wonder if it could possibly be the umbilical cord.

I think you should try to take some good, clear pictures and post them. Without photos, it's really hard for the experts (and believe you me, I am NOT in that category here) to figure out what's going on.
I would love to upload a picture for you but I don't understand how. Took picture with cell phone and emailed it to my self and saved it to my computer but not sure of how to link it to this forum.
You can use the upload area (here on BYC) and post the link in this thread. The upload section is in the blue bar where the index, user list, rules etc. Above where it says Logged in as : and last visit

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