New Info about A & M and English White strain Coturnix


Coturnix Obsessed
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania
For anyone interested I have offical info on the two (yep there ARE two different whites now that I have the true info I wanted to post it here for everyone to read)!

I seriously thought A &MS were the same as English and ina way i was right but in another way I was wrong.

The English whites were USED to create the A&M so technically they are the same, only different in size.

English whites are normal sized birds (what i assumed) where as A &Ms are jumbo.

However BOTH A & M and English Whites can be pure white, or white with brown spots esp on the head...the brown spots are a mismark not a pattern (not pied).

Both English Whites AND A & Ms have white flesh. They are basically cousins (in strains) same species of bird same "breed" just a different strain (strain as in one breeder bred English whites, and Texas A &M uni. bred the A & Ms and used EW's to create the white fleshed A &MS).

THought this was nifty info had to share!


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