New Mexico

Oh cool! Hi, BOrion!

I'd love to start raising turkeys again, but I'll need to build some sort of aviary for them. I'm afraid if they are out by the road in my normal pens, someone might shoot them, thinking they are wild turkeys! I love the Rio Grandes. We have flocks of them up in the Sangre de Cristo mountains which are right across the street from me. I can hear them calling in the early mornings.

And you raise goats too? Awesome! If we are ever up that way I'll try and alert you. I'd love to meet somewhere for lunch or coffee.
I'm in ABQ and have 4 hens now (2 RIR, 1 EE, 1 SLW) and would like some bantams for the spring. Something a little different than I have. Silkies or something similar to that. A little more showy than my big girls. I'm not too picky. My 4 hens are 4 of the sweetest girls.
I will be looking for a couple of pullets come springtime. I don't want a rooster here in the city. My neighbor has one that crows at my hens from over the fence and I think that's enough for the 'hood. So if anyone will have any pullets of some type of bantam breed in the spring, let me know! I'm willing to do a road trip to pick them up too.
Oh cool! Hi, BOrion!

I'd love to start raising turkeys again, but I'll need to build some sort of aviary for them. I'm afraid if they are out by the road in my normal pens, someone might shoot them, thinking they are wild turkeys! I love the Rio Grandes. We have flocks of them up in the Sangre de Cristo mountains which are right across the street from me. I can hear them calling in the early mornings.

And you raise goats too? Awesome! If we are ever up that way I'll try and alert you. I'd love to meet somewhere for lunch or coffee.
We have lots and lots of wild rio grands here too. For several weeks this summer I had a wild flock hanging out in my yard. I was afraid my turkeys would run off with them, but they didn't. I'd love to meet you sometime. I'm not too far from Cimarron. It's a pretty cool place with lots of history. Also right here is Philmont Boy Scout ranch. In the spring I'll have lots of baby goats!
I'm in ABQ and have 4 hens now (2 RIR, 1 EE, 1 SLW) and would like some bantams for the spring.  Something a little different than I have.  Silkies or something similar to that.  A little more showy than my big girls.  I'm not too picky.  My 4 hens are 4 of the sweetest girls. 
I will be looking for a couple of pullets come springtime.  I don't want a rooster here in the city.  My neighbor has one that crows at my hens from over the fence and I think that's enough for the 'hood.  So if anyone will have any pullets of some type of bantam breed in the spring, let me know!  I'm willing to do a road trip to pick them up too.
One of my bantams or silkies is usually hatching babies. Since I have many different kinds of chickens, one can never be sure what will hatch. I'll keep you in mind. Also, in April I usually get all the leftover chicks that didn't sell at our local feed store, so that's also a possibility.
Really excited, just got my first two birds in a long long time... two Welsummer hens from a friend nearby who has a nice little breeding program going. She knows about color genetics etc. so it was pretty awesome to take a tour of her poultry yard, and decide who was going to come home with me. She had some really gorgeous birds... there was a silver one in one of her breeding pens I'm kinda sorry I left behind but I can't take them all, much as I'd like to!
Thank you, FridayYet. A funny thing but my life feels better now that it has birds in it.
I used to be terrified of birds. Now 2 of my hens sit in my lap on the patio. I've come a long way. I love my birds!

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