New Rooster crow dampening, noise reducing device

Hey all, I am a passionate backyard chicken farmer, and over the last couple years I designed and perfected a simple “device” that dramatically dampens a rooster’s crow to a level that is much quieter than a squawking hen. It is easy to apply. It does not choke the rooster in any way, unlike traditional collars. It doesn’t interfere with their movement, ability to mate, etc. In other words, it humanely and consistently SOLVES the rooster crowing dilemma for urban and suburban chicken owners everywhere.

I created it in order to be able to keep my own roosters that I hatched from eggs when we got attached to them. I have had the “device” on them on for over a year, and my neighbor’s never even knew they were free ranging out back just 15 yards away.

I won’t go into the details, but my solution was not very intuitive and took a ton of trial and error.

What kind of demand do you all think there would be for this sort of product? How would I go about convincing people it is actually humane and saves the lives of roosters (and the heartbreak of chicken owners who have to give them up)? I know there is always a lot of controversy about traditional collars, and I made sure that my design was as comfortable as possible. And it will NOT choke your rooster 😁

-Aaron Heerboth
Hi oh myyyy! I’m sorry I’m not good with this kinda thing but I would be extremely interested in purchasing one! I had to give away my English Heritage Black Orpington and was in tears!!! 😭 I loved him so much! He was my boy! So docile and friendly and sweet! But the good news is I can get him back as long as I found away to control the crow! I have neighbors as close as yours that I can see in photo. Please!! Please!!! let me know how I can purchase the device from you????
Count me in to try it too!!!
We currently have 3 Roos and one neighbor who has gently complained. I have been searching for a home for 2 of the boys. I like having at least 1 around to protect the girls! Anyway - is love to try a humane way of quieting their announcements. Happy to video before and after and edit them together for you.
I would absolutely love one of these devices, and I would be more than happy to provide feedback and video. One of our favorite Easter Egger pullets “Sky” turned out to be a rooster... we now call him “Little Man”! He has started to crow and we are hoping the neighbors are far enough to not be bothered by him... However, we will be moving to a smaller house with closer neighbors in about a year, and we know we won’t be able to keep him then. We have been debating whether to find him a new home now or later, because I think we would all end up more heartbroken after waiting longer. Hearing about this makes me think that there is hope that we can keep our Little Man! Do you have any predictions about what the time frame would be for others to start receiving your device? Thank you!
Absolutely interested. We need a solution for Moxie before the neighbors call to complain. We're technically not suppose to have roosters in my little northern CA town but can unless the neighbors complain, and of course my favorite ended up being a roo. He's good with our kids, eats out of my hand, loves a good snuggle, but MAN is he loud at 6am. And he's only 4 months old so I know he will get louder.


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Count me in!! We would love to try your device on our cockerel—he’s a D’Uccle—so I didn’t know if you had bantam sizes. But if you do, we’d love to do a video and review. Thanks!

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