New Rooster crow dampening, noise reducing device

Hey, sign me up. I have a gorgeous cochin rooster. The neighbors haven't complained yet (the closest one likes hearing him and I bribe him with eggs as well) but Big Daddy does wake me at 4:45 am and I'd love to get a little more sleep than that (as well as not worry about someone turning me in).
Would absolutely buy and review! Are you kidding? My chickens are getting older, about 12 weeks now, and the rooster still hasn't started crowing, but it's the one thing I'm absolutely uncomfortable about because we are new here and I don't want to be an aweful neughbor. My area has no rooster restrictions and there's at least one down the road that you can constantly hear (it's far enough away from us that it's pretty faint), but I have 6 neighbors and I'm sure they would appreciate my efforts to keep his noise level down haha. When this is ready I want in!!


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Intentionally you can’t see the device here but you can see the proud rooster with his flock. My yard is a total mess in this pic, but you can see the grey house is our neighbor and they are quite close. I live in Southern California so houses are quite close together. Yet the roosters are never a problem 😁
Where were you just a few months ago. I would have tried it. I had to give up our beautiful lavender orp rooster & he was so awesome. He is now a breeder since he didnt have any beige feathers. Can this work on noisy hens? I have to use a water bottle to spray them to teach manners. My husband can tell them to be quiet on the web cam which works. So he will get a text at work to scold the girls.
I have a rooster we need to find a home for. :-( I'd love to test it for you! I am also in Southern CA and live in the suburbs. No roosters allowed. We'll try anything humane to save our beloved guy!
Hey all, I am a passionate backyard chicken farmer, and over the last couple years I designed and perfected a simple “device” that dramatically dampens a rooster’s crow to a level that is much quieter than a squawking hen. It is easy to apply. It does not choke the rooster in any way, unlike traditional collars. It doesn’t interfere with their movement, ability to mate, etc. In other words, it humanely and consistently SOLVES the rooster crowing dilemma for urban and suburban chicken owners everywhere.

I created it in order to be able to keep my own roosters that I hatched from eggs when we got attached to them. I have had the “device” on them on for over a year, and my neighbor’s never even knew they were free ranging out back just 15 yards away.

I won’t go into the details, but my solution was not very intuitive and took a ton of trial and error.

What kind of demand do you all think there would be for this sort of product? How would I go about convincing people it is actually humane and saves the lives of roosters (and the heartbreak of chicken owners who have to give them up)? I know there is always a lot of controversy about traditional collars, and I made sure that my design was as comfortable as possible. And it will NOT choke your rooster 😁

-Aaron Heerboth
Well. Maybe a little bit of insight. Other collors press against the windpipe to shut the chicken up. Does your's safely absorb vibration or ect. People are usually scammed and tend to raise hackles at strange new things that could be lies. Also change the name up a bit. You call it a collar and people might turn their nose at it. Think of when people look up humain alternatives to silence a roosters. 😁
I myself am really interested in this because sometimes my parents just want to sleep.
I'm also concerned about the potential for scams. We get a lot of stuff like this and ideas come up for things like this on BYC. Most folks don't follow through. (I haven't on my low cost auto door closer.)

But hey, I have a flock. I have a rooster. I have a lot of spare cockerels. You're gonna have to pick who you like best for testing if you send 'em out for free.
Im definitely interested end up with 3 roosters out of the 12 chicks i started with and they will be crowing any day now. Can do before and after videos and do a video timelapsing over several days as well.
How does this device differ from normal collars? The whole point of a collar made to stop crowing is that it restricts how much air can be expelled at once, hence the sound becomes quieter. That device has been proved to be cruel, so how exactly is this one different? The whole crow quieting collar idea is cruel, and I can’t think of a design that would make it less so.
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