New San Diego County Oridnance On Number of Roosters

I wish the newspaper would do an article with us so we could get our view out there. They interviewed all these people who are pushing the ordinanace - why not us?

You're wishes have been answered:
We're on the front page of the Valley Centre Roadrunner, the link is to the online edition but I have the physical one as well!
I wish the newspaper would do an article with us so we could get our view out there. They interviewed all these people who are pushing the ordinanace - why not us?

You're wishes have been answered:
We're on the front page of the Valley Centre Roadrunner, the link is to the online edition but I have the physical one as well!

OMG! You got all the stuff we needed to be said, out there! I am so glad that you are working so hard on this - I have had this really busy week so I havn't gotten to what I wanted to do in regards to this ordinance - Thank YOU!

So, all of this is over 40 complaints a year and taking away the rights of compliant citizens because there are some criminals out there? Seriously? I don't know how any american can argee with this kind of unfair restriction on small agri-business (Us- the hobbiests) in agriculturally zoned areas.

BTW: PLEASE SIGN our petition, we really need more signatures!!!!! (We need to do some signature drives, maybe?)
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CAChickenNewbee wrote:
First, I apologize for the length here, but I think this is SO important.

Wow, you guys. I just read the actual ordinance, and the description of the action from the Board of Supervisor's meeting on 2 August, as well as a couple of terribly disturbing newspaper articles. Here is the ordinance "table" of allowable rooster numbers per parcel:

Size of Premises Maximum Number of Roosters
< .5 acre 2
.5 to 1 acre 4
> 1 to 5 acres 6
> 5 acres 20

In addition, roosters/enclosures must be kept 50 feet from any residence (even yours). In truth, the most apalling thing about this ordinance is that while it claims to be focused purely on control of illegal c**kf****ing activity - what it really does is give law enforcement the ability to search private property with almost no cause (i.e., observance of 2+ roosters). WE NEED TO FIGHT THIS. Here are a couple quotes from those articles (links provided below)

“The ordinance that won preliminary approval today also would make it easier for law enforcement agents in San Diego County to get a warrant to search suspected c**kf*****ing properties, officials said”

"The supervisors approved the ordinance primarily as a way to target people who raise the animals for illegal c**kf***ing, but it could also help those who complain about the noise roosters make."

Most concerning to me is the real purpose of this ordinance; that is clearly intended to make it easier for law enforcement to search private property. If all that is required to search my home and property is the observance of more than 4 roosters (even if those roosters are a non-fighting breed), then they have essentially taken away my right to privacy and negated the protections against illegal search and seizure of personal property.

I have drafted a letter to send to each Supervisor (as well as signing the petition) and I intend to show up at the Sept 13 meeting wearing a bright red shirt in support of Rachel Bowman's efforts. If you'd like to copy or use any part of my letter, PM me and I will try to send as an attachment.

Here are the links for reference - copy and paste into your browser if the link doesn't work


BOS record of action:

North County Times Article: (most disturbing) … e07ff.html

I hope everyone looks at the regulations here - I have around 2 acres and measured - there isn't really anywhere for my pens that is 50 feet from any residence, except by the street at the farthest point of my property. I don't know what anyone with a small property will do - This is not just roosters, its all chicken pens, so right now if you have 2 hens and your pen is closer to your own house than 50 feet, you have a problem.
Looking over the proposal and ordinance, its unclear to me how this will be enforced? Is it going to be handled like a code violation? Would that be on the housing or number of roos or what? What is this about possbile misdemenor charges? Is that through animal control or what? Is that only for those engaged in criminal activity, or those over the limit on roos?

To fight this ordinance: Show your support IN PERSON! The next meeting is Sept 13th at 9am at the San Diego County Administration Center located at: 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101 in Room 310


BOS record of action:

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Is that San Diego County? They probably only enforce the rules if there is a complaint. Animal Control is typically the ones to investigate. In my city, if you get caught doing something illegal, you have to stand before the City Counsel and get grilled by them and AC. First offense is a $25 fine.
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Newly proposed SD County ordinance:

BOS record of action:

North County Times Article: (most disturbing) … e07ff.html

Yes, this is a county ordinance and it is this big catch all ordinance which overides your zoning, apparently - for the entire county. The things I don't understand is who is enforcing and penalizing, because they describe how easy it will be to get warrents now, and how they can really persue those who may be cockfighting, but its a count ord - so if someone complains, are they getting the warrent to see if you are cockfighting, or are they going to send out code? The point of the ordinance was to be able to "ambush" cockfighters, so if they suspect that, they swouldn't send out county and give the heads up to the criminals - which makes you wonder if they will send out anml ctlwith warrents - The way they write this thing is wacky
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My interpretation by what I have read in your links, is that you may not have more than the designated number of roosters according to how much property you have with the fist being limited to 2 roosters for a half acre and this would apply to everyone, not just those participating in criminal activities.
It has also been my experience that the City/County doesn't make an announcement or publish these changes in any way except via the local counsel meetings at which they are approved. It is up to the animal owners to check the municipal code periodically and find out what the rules are. Believe me, they probably know where the illegal activities are taking place, and now they have a tool to handle those cases.

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