New To Board & Proud Owner Of A New Stagecoach Chicken Tractor

The tractor does look cool but I'd like to hear from more people who have purchased. It does sound like a sales pitch to me.
The tractor does look cool but I'd like to hear from more people who have purchased. It does sound like a sales pitch to me.

LOL. No disrespect taken...but it is not a sales pitch....pinky swear. I just get super excited when I find something that actually delivers what is promised. I had spent so much time researching which chicken tractor to buy that I wanted to share my experience with other obsessive people like me, who are driving themselves nuts weighing the pros and cons trying to decide between tractors. I was actually going to purchase an A-frame tractor that was "good enough" the morning the search engine turned up the Stagecoach instead of the one I had intended on purchasing.

After placing my order, while I anxiously awaited the arrival of my stagecoach, I did run a search for the Stagecoach on BackyardChickens & other chick-sites (I always second guess my decisions, yet another obnoxious part of my personality) and found someone else's post about their purple Stagecoach.... cool color choice BTW
But that has been the only other review that I have found.

And yes....I am one of those people on that goes on and on and on in their reviews of things they like
The girls do love it.
Bless their hearts...I had them in a tiny cheaply-built tractor for two weeks waiting on the arrival of their new home. Once I placed the order, I got so excited that I went out the next day to the Amish farmstead & bought my the girls got stuck in a holding pen. Beth loves having room to flap her wings now, she does it every few minutes. Meg just runs around and around in circles, chasing bugs that no one else can see. I hope I didn't mentally scar them for life with their two weeks of being cramped up.
Do they make Prozac for chickens
Hi all,

I'm a proud owner of the Chicken Tractor Stagecoach as well. It's simply the best!!


The girl's first home, with my cat, Masala watching over them. It was far too small for 4 chickens, I am glad they were still small & young then

And they only had to spend two weeks there.
That thing was a monster to move around...I will forever dislike plastic lawnmower wheels after that experience.
I think I am going to get the instructions. Wish I had seen this before I bought a chic n barn
I get all excited when I find something that I really like too. That's a cute tractor, one that looks easy enough for me to move.

Kits certainly are great for people that don't have enough time to build something from scratch, or lack the heavy duty-tools. Dh built 2 nice chicken tractors, but our first coop is made from a Victorian Playhouse kit because we needed something fast, before the cold weather set in.

Nice to see someone else in east TN...I'm north of you, near the TN-VA border.
I am interested in the feeder or water I see on the outside. Is it a water or a feeder and how does it work?

Love the tractor!

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