New turkey gender check!

Turkeys and Chickens have sickness they can pass to each other, so I second you getting a second brooder for your turkey. All chicks are sweet, it's not a sign of what they'll be like as an adult though. Aim for a minimum total of 3 poults, if one passes away, if two are Tom's/Boys... It'll be better in the long run for you, your turkeys, and even your mom
Should I be paying lots of attention to it and quarantine it from the chickens in witch it's going to be in with the chickens for life hood so am I doing anything wrong with it 🤔or do I need to do something different? I've tryed to convince my mom to buy another turkey and I've been trying to convince my mom to get actual turkey food! She said no!
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I personally feel like the welfare and happiness of the turkey that is going to be a pet should be more important then whether or not its rude to rehome. An animal is a living creature with needs and feelings, not like a plush toy that isnt alive. It will also most likely be stunted or deformed because it doesn't have a proper diet. Please think of doing the right thing. I know it's hard because baby turkeys are very cute, but sometimes if you really love an animal and there are no other options that take it's happiness into account then it is better in the long run to rehome. It sounds like your mom very irresponsibly took an animal she wasnt prepared to take care of.
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I blended some corn does it need to be blended more or less?

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