News filming my yard from a helicopter!

Thank you all!

The cops were pretty mad because they used 911 for a noise complaint! and it wasn't even a legal complaint!
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I'll just say that I'm sure that they aren't perfect and will have to pay the piper themselves one day. I hope that you are there to see it, too.

Not in our culture - what a flippin idiot!
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Not from the OP
Don't you know that eggs and chicken come from stores? We don't need farmers, nor does anyone need to raise their own food. After all, every evening the food fairy flies thru stores all over the world waving her magic wand and the shelves are magically restocked.
Not from the OP

Believe it or not we were VERY nice to them, we did give them dozens of eggs and vegetables and holiday baskets and you name it! they hate us anyway!!
once a chick got under the fence so my 11 year old brother went in and got the chick, the owner asked him if he was in the yard, so my brother said "yeah the chick got away and I just went in to get her" so he padlocked the fence!
Oh I believe that you were nice to them; sometimes there is nothing you can do when people want to be disagreeable. Your way of life scares them and that makes them feel out of control. They keep trying to get you in trouble some way to make themselves feel more in control. But they can't do that. So they keep harrassing.

I actually feel sorry for people like your neighbors. They will never feel that they are good enough to fit in with the 'elite' crowd and they will never be comfortable in 'our culture' because they think it lowers their status in some way. People like that will never be truly happy.

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