News filming my yard from a helicopter!

You are legal. That's all that matters in the long run. It must have been a slow news day when they started this. When you are right and you don't quit, you win...
This is terrible. I see nothing wrong with your landscape. Its natural and earth friendly. I took out all my grass and put in walk on wood chips. Grass is just a bad idea in Southern California. We have an HOA here and they have not said anything yet. I also have 5 hens in a big dog run in my back yard. They are not free ranging due to my dogs but you can't see if from the street. If anyone complains its really them just trying to cause issue with me because they are so quiet and I clean my coop and run daily. I would NOT get rid of my pets I love them!! Good luck to you!
You know, this just keeps irking me and rubbing me the wrong way!

I would counter-sue for the helicopters filming your yard! Don't you have an action reporter? We do here in New Orleans. We live in the city, in a residential neighborhood, someone told us you can have chickens here but not roosters because of the noise ordinance. But then they had an article in the paper stating chicken laws parish by parish and THAT law states that we can have as many as we want, as long as they don't pose a health hazzard or are a nuisance to the neighbors. And since MINE are indoors, and only go outside a few hours a day SUPERVISED, the neighbors have nothing to complain about. One of my friends has a pet goat and she sleeps on the bed with them!

Why is it that so many of us seem to have neighbors from HELL? Yesterday we had our own ordeal here that lasted 5 hours, we had to call the police on our neighbor because of one of our ducks. UGH I'll post about that in another thread though. I am just so fed up with neighbors who have nothing better to do but stick their nose into your business.
What neighbors worry about is that 'YOUR' lifestyle will lower THEIR property values. Unfortunately, it is a natural human trait to be leary of things we don't understand. Some people can't fathom having farm animals in a residential neighborhood. They want to live next to people 'just like them', hence the creation of country clubs. This is why we (those of us with chickens) always seem to have neighbors from hell.

This is also why there are 'city' ordinances that are meant to help everybody get along. If you don't like the rules, live somewhere else. If the OP is following the rules, the neighbors, media and government need to leave them alone. Period. If a person lives in an unincorporated area, I believe that they have a right to have animals, kept humanely of course, on their own property. Period.

As far as the harrassment from the helicopter, I'd call the FAA and report them for flying too low and causing a hazard to residents and property. They have rules, too.
What neighbors worry about is that 'YOUR' lifestyle will lower THEIR property values. Unfortunately, it is a natural human trait to be leary of things we don't understand. Some people can't fathom having farm animals in a residential neighborhood. They want to live next to people 'just like them', hence the creation of country clubs. This is why we (those of us with chickens) always seem to have neighbors from hell.

This is also why there are 'city' ordinances that are meant to help everybody get along. If you don't like the rules, live somewhere else. If the OP is following the rules, the neighbors, media and government need to leave them alone. Period. If a person lives in an unincorporated area, I believe that they have a right to have animals, kept humanely of course, on their own property. Period.

As far as the harrassment from the helicopter, I'd call the FAA and report them for flying too low and causing a hazard to residents and property. They have rules, too.

I checked the rules it is legal for them to fly over my yard at that height.

As for bad neighbors, I think they main thing is people that are out of work and have nothing better to do with their days.
My worst neighbors are the ones that aren't working and my best are the ones that work all day everyday, they just don't care what I do and think it is great that I can save me and them (they get eggs) money with my pets.
Just yesterday my neighbor (the one who's hands are in the video saying it is not 'our culture) was standing in front of the my house with my other neighbor that doesn't work pointed and talking about us, idk what they were saying but I can't imagine it was very nice.
Ok, so maybe it IS legal to fly over your yard, but is it legal for them to FILM your yard without your concent and put that footage on TV? I think not. I think they broke the law and I would fight it. And unless they had a court order to come and film your backyard with that police officer, you didn't have to let them in.

I posted yesterday's ordeal here:

I agree 100%, this neighbor causing US trouble doesn't work, she's home all day with nothing better to do. And her backyard is filled with debris and trash.
Well, that's just unfortunate. Bored neighbors.... Still, if you are legal, at some point their poking and prodding at you becomes harrassment. There may be some kind of civil protective order that you can get to keep them from bothering you. I'd check with the lower courts like the ones that deal with traffic tickets. See if there is something that your family can file to have a judge order the offending neighbors to leave you alone...I'll bet there is something and in the lower courts you usually don't need an attorney.
Battling it out with neighbors is never easy. I always have a fear of them retaliating and slashing our tires or worse. So I usually "turn the other cheek" and keep my mouth shut. But sometimes they just keep pushing and pushing and pushing and you just can't take anymore and other people have to get involved.

Will and I always talk about what we would do if we won the lottery. We would get an island and have all our chicken and duck friends come live on it where EVERYBODY loved them and nobody had a problems with them being in our yards, homes, etc.

MY ducks and chickens are also therapy animals. I take them to nursing homes, I volunteered for a hospice for a while, I take them to schools and to visit handicapped and autistic children. They are not LIVESTOCK, they are PETS. They sleep on my bed just like a cat or dog would. They put smiles on people's faces. They teach kids to be kind to animals. So they are EDUCATING them as well. Elderly shut ins love getting a visit from me and a duck or chicken once a week or so. Summer camps ask me to come and do a "show and tell", so they are the furthest thing from livestock.

We have had our story in Urban Farm magazine earlier this year and we had our story in the local paper. Why is it OK for people to have bearded dragons, snakes and RATS for pets, when RATS are considered pests, but yet it's not OK to have a CHICKEN and a GOAT for a pet?

And here my parents thought they came to America for freedom. HA!

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