Newtown, Conn School Shooting

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I find it interesting that they keep saying he has Asperger's syndrome, as if that takes the blame away. My uncle has Asperger's, and if he killed even one person, I would blame HIM, not his inability to connect... No condition that trite could ever excuse this kind of behavior.
To us Christians it is. The devil posses them to part with god. When we pray we pray that peace comes over all friends, family members, etc. and even for the killers family :/

Yes, it is the killers part too and our society. We have such a bad society in these days... It's horrible! Everywhere you turn there's an article of a sexual assault, shooting, murder, etc! It's terrible and mainly SCARY!
This is just so awful.  I think its time that America banned owning guns now.  This just happens time and time again - America has the highest rate of school shootings in the WORLD! 

Murder is already "banned"

More laws won't stop people from killing other people

They only stop HONEST people from protecting themselves

School killings happen all over the world
The worst ever used bombs, not guns:
Agreed! Plus, if guns/bullets were banned, nothing would stop a person from buying one from the black market, as they do cigarettes and drugs. Besides, since when has anyone contemplating murder thought to follow the law anyway?
This is just so awful. I think its time that America banned owning guns now. This just happens time and time again - America has the highest rate of school shootings in the WORLD!

Why does America have these shootings, and also the highest rates of child abuse in the world? America prison population also dwarfs that of other counties? Why? America is also the most Christian country in the world - yet with all the prayers and godliness it seems to have the most problems with morals and society.

this is nothing to do with devils or God, its about society - and someone in government needs to be brave and start making radical changes for the better if these shootings are to stop - I am sorry to say sitting about praying and giving out sympathy is not going to sort out these problems.
I haven't researched this, I'm just quoting off a thread on another site. They said Israel had a lot of problems with school shootings in the 70s. Their solution? They armed the teachers. Wow, now no more school shootings!

This country is founded on the right to bear arms. That will never die.
Israel arms everyone, everywhere...

Because they are being constantly bombarded by neighbors who want to wipe them off the map. But this isn't about Israel. And, in the end, it isn't about gun control either. It's about grieving with the families, praying, and appreciating our own families, dysfunctional as they may be. We need to heal and help before we turn this into another mindless political rant.
This is the most strange mass murder shooting, so many different rumors, it changes every hour... Atleast from CT news where I am from. Early news said there was there was a 2nd guy who was 24 year old (the brother, but he was in NJ and had nothing to do with this), then the gunman was 20 years old (not 24) and you don't hear about the 2nd guy involved who ran into the woods then got caught by police after this (what happend to the guy who got caught in the woods?)... This is all so strange like a puzzle and dosnt make sense I am from CT myself and I still can't believe that this happened, it dose not feel real..

I support NRA 100%, not all people are idiots, guns go into the wrong hands that's what make them dumb..

As a hunter RIP guns from Obama there wont be guns.
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This is just so awful. I think its time that America banned owning guns now. This just happens time and time again - America has the highest rate of school shootings in the WORLD!

While I understand the reaction to blame gun and gun owners, I don't think a gun ban is desirable or even possible.

Impossible to totally ban guns without knowing who has them and removing them. There's no way to know this so there is no way to remove guns purchased before gun control laws tracked who purchased them. You could stop all new gun sales and there would still be millions of guns in the U.S.

Seems odd to me that this is a rather new phenomenon. 50-60 years ago, this wouldn't have occurred. Yet our mental health knowledge and treatment of 50-60 years ago was not nearly as advanced as the treatments and medications of today. These people are certainly mentally ill but our improved treatments are not only not working, things seem to be getting worse.

A horrible tragedy. Prayers going to all persons impacted by this terrible act.
To the person who declared the need to outlaw guns, I couldn't disagree more! I live out in the country - away from any fancy neighborhood watch, brightly lit streets, or security cameras. I'm a young beautiful woman - 21 years old. Do you know what makes me feel safe at night? The constitutional right to bear arms. My boyfriend would eliminate any threat that comes through our door. Our guns not only serve us protection from crazy hoolagans but also serve a purpose in hunting! We are as American as it gets. I am a childcare provider and college student, while my boyfriend manufactures wind turbines. It's a shame your media doesn't educate you on the millions of gun owners that will never commit an act of crime against another human being. Don't allow the media to degrade your perception of this country.

Our population is extremely large and growing rapidly. We have more people within a given area, with more powerful weapons. Past one percents or ten percents are made up of more people than days past.

But yes, it is exceedingly sad how little progress has been made in understanding disorders in the context of the general public and culture.
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