No Eggs in 8 days

We have 3 little banty hens and at first they were laying eggs 3-4/day. they are confined to their coop which has a run built in under it - it is an A frame and they were living in it when we bought the coop. So, they certainly were used to being in it. I have noticed that there is a lot more poop - not runny just more formed stools than there were at first. I clean out their nests and living area almost everyday. I also am using a type of earth product - I forgot its name - that is great for keeping flies, lice and mites down and even fleas are repelled. The hens eat well and drink plenty, so I'm stumped at what has changed. We did ride the riding lawn mower this past weekend in the back yard near their coop, but that was only for a short time. Any suggestion? I'd really appreciate it! thanks
I'm some what confused ? U say three hens were producing four eggs in a givin 24 period. ? As far as the sudden stoppage have you changed anything in their daily routine ? Have you bought another type of food ? Something on sale ? What are there ages are they broodmates born from the same hatch ? Do you notice the beginnings of a molt or any broody behavior ? Added something new to the diet as far as treats greens or roughage new dog or cat on the property there are many factors to consider if you could answer some of these questions we might be able to help pinpoint a cause
I'm having the same trouble. We went from 35 to 40 eggs a week from fourteen hens to three eggs the last two weeks. I don't know what's going on. Their feathers do look "rough" but they are not falling out. I'm feeding 16%+ feed daily and adding a little scratch every other day or so. They are not wormy and the weather has steadied to around 55-75 degrees. I have not changed anything that was being productive. My hens are a year old and appear as healthy as they can be. Help/advice would be also appreciated.
No eggs anywhere. But I didn't stay with them this morning, or keep them in the run. Will try that tomorrow.
I am giving them diatomaceous earth, and it is food grade. I wasn't giving it to them the first few weeks they were here. But did have it at their old home.
I am not very familiar with it's use as a pestaciced I do know that it's effects as a pesticide is somewhat varied , it does come in a de calsafied state and egg producing birds confined to a coop or a run should not have accsess to a absorbant non calsafied mineral it could affect their ability to excreat the proper amount of calcium to form a shell if consumed again I am no expert on this but do know how it affects bugs as a pesticide by removing the moisture from the exoskeleton of the bug baisicly drying them out from the inside out more reading on it's effects on other animals is needed but birds in my experience just don't decide collectively to stop laying I find it odd that they all stopped on cue and the only thing that is common link is the addition of this natural pesticide ,,,?
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Still no eggs. Spent the morning with them the other day. No unusual behavior. Definitely not laying some where else. The lady I bought the girls from is going to come over tomorrow and trouble shoot with me. I'm thinking it's either the little introductions to the "big bad golden dog" (lol) maybe we gave them too may treats too soon....or maybe I was giving them too much earth product in their food. Only time will tell

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