No Eggs in 8 days

Still no eggs.... We modified their hen house a little today. We built higher roosting bars. They have been sleeping in their nesting boxes, two snugged in one. will update, as updates arise..
Still no eggs....  We modified their hen house a little today.  We built higher roosting bars.  They have been sleeping in their nesting boxes, two snugged in one.  will update, as updates arise..
it is strange for them just to stop ,,, but I guess anything is possible I wish I could be more help but I wish u the best and await the update
Around a year old you would expect more eggs for sure. My egg layers have slowed down for sure. 8 birds and I get 2-3 eggs a day and they are only going on 2 years. They went into a molt this winter but not a big one.No changes in diet or housing. At least one has a dry vent that has closed up so she and our little rooster are going to freezer camp. Look out for egg eaters, we had to make a nesting box where the eggs roll away or they ate them. I even filled and egg with hot sauce and black pepper they loved it. This was after the detergent egg, I think they got high and loved that as well.They may get replaced this fall if the new ones hatch out well. Right now it's my Ranger Meat birds that lay every day and jumbo eggs like up to 3.25 oz too boot. I hope your luck changes Could just be stress from the move.
Around a year old you would expect more eggs for sure. My egg layers have slowed down for sure. 8 birds and I get 2-3 eggs a day and they are only going on 2 years. They went into a molt this winter but not a big one.No changes in diet or housing. At least one has a dry vent that has closed up so she and our little rooster are going to freezer camp. Look out for egg eaters, we had to make a nesting box where the eggs roll away or they ate them. I even filled and egg with hot sauce and black pepper they loved it. This was after the detergent egg, I think they got high and loved that as well.They may get replaced this fall if the new ones hatch out well. Right now it's my Ranger Meat birds that lay every day and jumbo eggs like up to 3.25 oz too boot. I  hope your luck changes Could just be stress from the move.
. Ranger meat birds ? Any pics
My little bantys started laying again after I decided it might have been a predator at night scaring them and stopped leaving any of their food down in the run. I did put it up inside of their coop at night in case they wanted it. I also restarted their grit - which the owner of the local feed store had told me was not necessary and so, I had not included it in their food. I added the grit back in and saw less poop which leads me to believe that they were not able to digest their food adequatelyl without it. Maybe free range chickens get enough or more grit naturally than mine do in their run. I also added chicken scratch after reading more about what to feed them. We are very new at this, obviously. A couple of days passed, and suddenly, less poop was noticed and they began laying eggs again, 2-3/day. We were thrilled needless to say.I do use the diatamaceous dirt very lightly in their coop and run area to keep flies from bothering them and it is the same product that was being used with them by their previous owner and they were very healthy and laying just fine with strong shells. We are learning some of the ins and outs, but really love our little hens. We also have buff orphingtons which are not laying yet - they are only around 3 months old.They are actually my favorites with their little personalities and are quite tame and let me hold them and they come right to me. How sweet. :) Thanks to all for your input, like I said, we have much to learn.
I'm having the the same problem with the Easter Egger we recently got. Eggs every day or so for the first week or two, now nothing for the last 10 plus days. I miss seeing the blue eggs :(
I think it takes 21 days for a chicken make a egg. Could be stress from moving. The eggs they laid were already started.

Can any one back this idea up?
I got two Ameraucanas and an Ancona three weeks ago. One pale blue egg and one white almost every day. One Ameraucana isn't laying or hiding them. I really took a good look at her in the kitchen one evening and found some tiny mite/egg cases around her vent. They now roll in food grade DE in the the ditch they made in the back yard and got a light dusting (with a 1" paintbrush) of pymerethin (sorry i cant remember exactly) powder. Ill ditch any eggs that show up in the next 7 days as I dusted the other two birds as well and added a little DE to the bottom of the coop and under the cedar shavings in the nest boxes. Fingers crossed for eggs from my beautiful petite Ameraucana. Oh and to see her color eggs to know her breed for sure!

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