no more sexlinks!

My red sex link Etta follows me all over the place and she is the first to greet me everyday. She is our favorite...we also have barred rocks and EEs and a little banty roo. Mix it up...have fun...just find them a good home or eat them but don't just "get rid of them" . I know what you mean though about wanting fancy breeds...I would love to get tons more of all different breeds cause there are soooooo many gorgeous ones. Just be responsible about it, that's all.

Good luck!

I have just learned that a Black Australorp sire and Barred Rock dam will produce sex-linked offspring. The pullets will grow to be solid black hens.

Nothing very fancy or uncommon about these 2 but I didn't know that a sex-link could be a solid colored bird (and a cross between 2 of my favorite breeds, at that
). Over in the Breeds forum I was told that a black "anything" rooster and a Barred Rock would work, also.

Sorting out the sexes at hatch and a dose of hybrid vigor . . . these aren't bad things.

I agree. Don't. Do. It!

My black sex link lays almost everyday and is the happiest, friendliest bird there is.

My red sex link only lays every other day, but when she does, it's almost always a jumbo and twice she has given us double yolkers.
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Yea I don't think I could part with any of my pets to get another pet, but I want to get a couple more breeds of chickens like Mille Fleur d Uccle Bantams, Japanese Bantams, Sumatra's and Cochins but its sooo hard to choose!!!

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