Nocturnal Visitor

Lazy Farmer

Gallus gallus domesticus
7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Florida Peninsula
My Coop
My Coop
My Nocturnal Visitor tonight looking for Rats or CHICKEN NUGGETS just inches from my big hen house.

What kind of Owl is it besides JUMBO? North Florida Species..
I'd say Barn Owl due to the slimness, but the pattern does not match a Barn Owl's mannerisms so I'd agree with Barred. I literally just heard a Barred owl outside my house with the infamous "who-cooks-for-you," call as I was reading your post. And if you think I'm crazy, listen closely to their vocals. :lol: That's one taaaaallll owl if I'd say so myself!
There is a steel post about 12 inches away from my big hen house. Back in the day it held a Basketball backboard/hoop. We did a demo on it when building the egg house. Left the pole for perhaps a light fixture some day. In the meanwhile, this Owl is using it for an observation tower to help us rid the area of rodents.
We were out late locking latches when I stumbled upon him with a flashlight. Startled me at first but ran and grabbed a camera. He was there waiting for me to return. I left him there doing his thing..

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