non-broody fowl keepers

This is a thread for all of us unlucky people who have yet to have a broody, or a broody successfully hatch out babies so that we don't annoy all of you normies with our constant complaining on the matter. You can each keep a record of how long you've been waiting for a broody (if you've ever had one that is) it goes without saying, that broody you are so eager to have can be a chicken, a duck, a get the idea. This thread is of course a thread where you can complain about all your failed attempts of course. I've not had a broody in 11 years, so in other words I've never had a chicken go broody on me. @Canadian Wind , @BelovedBirds , @JacinLarkwell , @Isadora , @New duck mommy 2021 , @Tonyroo come join the fun (or rather lack thereof)! You all know my drama on this topic a little more than others, or have personally fallen victim to the broody drought
Add me to this thread. It’s been 3 years and dozens of chickens, no broody.
What breeds do you raise @SeabassSarmale ?
Whatever is prettiest lol. I don’t really like hybrids so I try to stay away. Brahmas, Australorp, Rir, Wyandottes, Marans, Sussex, Orps, Leghorns. Those and all the varieties that come from those breeds. I will admit that I’ve also got some black and red sex linked chickens, but I mostly like to get clean breeds, none of this mystic onyx, or starlight egger crap.
Whatever is prettiest lol. I don’t really like hybrids so I try to stay away. Brahmas, Australorp, Rir, Wyandottes, Marans, Sussex, Orps, Leghorns. Those and all the varieties that come from those breeds. I will admit that I’ve also got some black and red sex linked chickens, but I mostly like to get clean breeds, none of this mystic onyx, or starlight egger crap.

You should come to Greece, we don't even have those birds here :lau . Then again it would be hard for you to locate a pure bird, but easier than finding a starlight egger
If only she was him!

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