non-broody fowl keepers

Well since you're here, don't be shy to complain about your broody brought
*deep breath in* Wellllll it all started in 2021 :lau. I had some ducks and I was gonna have them breed but I ended up with 4 males and one female, didn't end up breeding them. This year I finally had the opportunity to and I built 2 nest boxes perfect for one each. And of course they decided to sit together. Even went all out with a brooder enclosure for when they hatched which wasn't easy. They started with 14 beautiful fresh eggs, then kept kicking them out until hatch day, when I had 2 left. Of those 2, a snake ate one egg one day, and the other egg hatched, but a snake ate the hatchling the next day. So ended their hatch extravaganza :):th.
This is a thread for all of us unlucky people who have yet to have a broody, or a broody successfully hatch out babies so that we don't annoy all of you normies with our constant complaining on the matter. You can each keep a record of how long you've been waiting for a broody (if you've ever had one that is) it goes without saying, that broody you are so eager to have can be a chicken, a duck, a get the idea. This thread is of course a thread where you can complain about all your failed attempts of course. I've not had a broody in 11 years, so in other words I've never had a chicken go broody on me. @Canadian Wind , @BelovedBirds , @JacinLarkwell , @Isadora , @New duck mommy 2021 , @Tonyroo come join the fun (or rather lack thereof)! You all know my drama on this topic a little more than others, or have personally fallen victim to the broody drought
The last two springs, Henny Penny (she’s a Red Leghorn) went broody. It was nice because I put the new chicks under her, and she loved an cared for them for 6 weeks. This spring she didn’t go broody, so I had to get a heat lamp and reptile thermostat for the new chicks 😢. I forgot how stressful and time consuming hand raising chicks where!
The last two springs, Henny Penny (she’s a Red Leghorn) went broody. It was nice because I put the new chicks under her, and she loved an cared for them for 6 weeks. This spring she didn’t go broody, so I had to get a heat lamp and reptile thermostat for the new chicks 😢. I forgot how stressful and time consuming hand raising chicks where!

That's why I prefer raising month olds :lau but welcome, you're free to complain as much as you want! You're so lucky your leghorn went broody!
All I've got to say is be careful what you wish for!

I have three Cochin bantam hens who will likely go broody within the next month and will stay broody until August or September despite every effort I make to break them. Every year they do this, like clockwork. :th Another Cochin bantam is already brooding and due to hatch eggs in about a week, after which she'll hopefully go back to laying soon as she's a breeder hen that I need to lay eggs for hatching to happen in the first place!

I know this struggle! I have 2 bantam Cochins. They started laying around June last year, both laid eggs for a week then went broody. Every time I break them, they start laying and within a week or 2 back to being broody. Once a month like clock work. They took turns being broody all winter too.

Beginning of the year I decided to let them both hatch out chicks thinking maybe this will do them in for a while. First went broody she hatched out eggs beginning of feb. Soon as the babies were old enough to be on her their own she started laying again and is back to being broody again. The other hatched out babies in March. She just started laying again so I’m expecting her to become broody any day now 😖.

Op if you want a broody get a Cochin 😂😂.
I know this struggle! I have 2 bantam Cochins. They started laying around June last year, both laid eggs for a week then went broody. Every time I break them, they start laying and within a week or 2 back to being broody. Once a month like clock work. They took turns being broody all winter too.

Beginning of the year I decided to let them both hatch out chicks thinking maybe this will do them in for a while. First went broody she hatched out eggs beginning of feb. Soon as the babies were old enough to be on her their own she started laying again and is back to being broody again. The other hatched out babies in March. She just started laying again so I’m expecting her to become broody any day now 😖.

Op if you want a broody get a Cochin 😂😂.

Too late now :lau. Don't have any empty pens to put them in
Op if you want a broody get a Cochin 😂😂.

For real though!! :th

I have one with eggs hatching underneath her as we speak. I have a list a mile long of the things I am currently worried about with this whole process--will she take to the chicks, will they take to her, will she kill them accidentally out of inexperience, will the other birds attack them if they happen to get away from their mama, will they get lost in the dark and chill, etc. etc. etc. I fail to see how this is less stressful than just hatching and brooding them myself!! :th
This is the hen that got stolen. She was broody when this picture was taken. I don't even know how, she was BALD when she came here

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