North Carolina

Incubator is officially in lockdown
. I'm off to work the night shift so can't watch it, lol guess will just have to wait and see. Hatch day is Saturday and we will be riding in a benefit ride all day, eek!
Having a rough day with the whole potty training issue, so not much was done around here aside from cleaning up "accidents" and doing laundry. So wanting to throw in the towel, but alas, I must have patience.
Does anyone want to stay with me for say a month or two until I get the whole potty training thing under my belt?!? I am so frustrated.
Chicks are doing well. The BLRW are starting to feather out and are SUPER cute. Toppy's babies are doing well (I can't believe I didn't get a look at her when I was at Alex's house
Too busy socializing, I guess. LOL) so are my BOE's and BSL. Both mommas are fabulous at being mama's although...they are VERY protective and it's rather fun to watch them puff up at DH when he goes to lock them up at night and is chasing the babies trying to get them into the coop because they can't walk through wire to get to mama. LOL.

Mary - I am ALWAYS up for social visits...I believe there is going to be a small gathering at my place one of these days with Alex & Beth coming to check on "their" you're welcome to come then too...then again, you're welcome to come by anytime. Aside from doctor visits, vet appointments for the kitten and grocery shopping once - twice a month....we're home hanging out!! LOL, it's too far of a drive into civilization with a gas guzzling car - so social visits are WELCOMED!!
Since broody hen Hazel has been given plenty of time to hatch more chicks and was off the nest and walking around today we took the rest of the eggs from her today. I cracked them all open and all the ones that were left we bad. That was a stinky mess.
I don't know that I will get that smell out of my nose for a while.
I did finally get a picture of our only chick to hatch though. I did feather sex it and got that it is a pullet. I know it's not 100% but I figure I can see if it is right since DH has said we can keep the chick since it is the only one that hatched.
So here is a picture of our little lone chick and Hazel. How soon can mom and chick be let back with the rest of the flock. DH was talking about letting them out of the broody box this weekend. Will that be too soon?

This chick is lighter than the EEs we got as chicks originally so I am curious to see what color she ends up being. I have no clue which of the EEs are her real momma either. It's not Hazel though because she wasn't laying when we gathered the eggs to put under her. I'm definately hoping this chick survives and we get to see what she grows up to look like.
Thanks so much Beth, Eileen and Meg for a great afternoon......
who couldn't love you ladies
And you and RF. What a wonderful day!

Special thanks to Beth for opening up her home and her heart to us. (and her eggs...I came home with lots of eggs for my new 'bator, which was waiting for me when I got home!) Eileen was awesome, all the kids were on their best behavior, CSB and RF are always fun to be around...I could not have asked for a better day!

And I'll have to thank my hubby too, who just shook his head and helped me unload the 20 new birds I brought home, between Beths and CSBs.

All the birds are settled into temporary quarters. The new Hovabator is set up awaiting eggs...although the dang turner was backordered, so I'll be hand-turning until it arrives. And I got hubby fed, too.

Happy day. I can't stop smiling.
Yes, a great and much needed visit as always at Beth's, and had the added pleasure of Hollow

Came home to green bean picking and taking eggs to the elderly neighbor across the road, which was also a good visit. Came home with home made huckleberry jam and sauerkraut and a tub of candies for the kiddos.
Between work and looking for a house....
Still trying to find something near raleigh. going to look at a place on saturday hopefully it works cause the idea of traveling back and fourth is making me tired.

On a good note no rain and the chickens got some free range time in today!! They were so happy today
Good morning folks

tire shopping and oil change for DDs van
is in the plans for today and while we are out
and about going to get GDD a new swim suit

kids just seem to grow so fast

JDO......hope you find the perfect place soon
Luke.......good luck on the move
NH.......good luck with the potty training
and Beth has the newspapers for you.......
I have more if you need it

hope everyone has a super day
Having a rough day with the whole potty training issue, so not much was done around here aside from cleaning up "accidents" and doing laundry. So wanting to throw in the towel, but alas, I must have patience.
Does anyone want to stay with me for say a month or two until I get the whole potty training thing under my belt?!? I am so frustrated.
Everyone has a different opinion on this way but I taught my kiddos in the summer. Basically just let them run around outside in a tshirt and plastic flip flops for a weekend, no pants. They figured it out pretty quick when they felt the immediate results. Not sure whats else you do but absolutely no more pull ups/ diapers etc and if they have an accident they have to clean themselves, clean the accident etc (with your help if needed). Both of mine- girl and boy- were trained over a weekend, no night accidents, etc. The boy at 36 mos and the girl at 27 mos. A friend of mine has been training her son for over a year now but keeps putting them back in pull ups... he wasn't allowed to start pre-k bc he's not potty trained.....Just throwing a few ideas out there hope something might help.
Everyone has a different opinion on this way but I taught my kiddos in the summer. Basically just let them run around outside in a tshirt and plastic flip flops for a weekend, no pants. They figured it out pretty quick when they felt the immediate results. Not sure whats else you do but absolutely no more pull ups/ diapers etc and if they have an accident they have to clean themselves, clean the accident etc (with your help if needed). Both of mine- girl and boy- were trained over a weekend, no night accidents, etc. The boy at 36 mos and the girl at 27 mos. A friend of mine has been training her son for over a year now but keeps putting them back in pull ups... he wasn't allowed to start pre-k bc he's not potty trained.....Just throwing a few ideas out there hope something might help.
Thank you so much for the advice!! DD is a little "young" at 19months to be training according to all those blasted "experts" but she is the one who told me she was a big girl and wanted to wear panties, so I have let her. The first 2 days were AMAZING (did the whole naked routine, inside though because of the other wee one, YAY for hardwood - she had one accident, freaked out, cleaned up the mess herself, and then sat on her little potty when she needed to go. Yesterday was our setback, but I understand we will have those. We do cloth diapers, so all I did was lower the snaps so they fit my infant which doesn't really matter, because she cries if you put her back in diapers. I will admit to putting them on her at night because she is such a hard sleeper she doesn't wake up - not even if I TRY to wake her up (which I thought, hey if I am up nursing, I might as well take her to the potty too to try...but it was like trying to wake a hibernating bear!! LOL).
Thank you again for the advice & support. It means a lot, especially since we do not have family around here to lean on for "sage" advice.

Animal news: DH is finally liking the idea of goats - he ended up getting some poison ivy from chasing a chick around the coop to lock it up last night!! Also, our kitten is FINALLY old enough and big enough to go and become slightly "less" of a female cat today!! Somehow I wrote it in my calendar for next glad they call with reminders, or else I wouldn't have been there!! OOPS!! Other than that, the stray "barn" cat we've adopted has definitely had her kittens - although I do not know where she has had them (bummer...there's nothing cuter than kittens). If I can find a low cost spay program I am going to try to catch her and have her fixed & re-released (that is once her babies are old enough to go without mom). Anyone know of anything like that?? Back home, there was a program that allowed you to trap, fix and rerelease strays/ferals for under $50!! Well, must be to the vets by 7:30, so I guess I better get going.

Have a great day everyone!!

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