North Carolina

Old chick-- Love your avatar! I think I will get some peafowl one of these days, I love them!

My mom called today and she's driving down from Maryland to "escape the cold"! Haha I guess daytime highs in the 40s are better than their daytime highs in the single digits, but I think I've gotten warm blooded living down here it sure is cold to me! I hear it's supposed to be up around 70 on Sunday so fingers crossed!!!

Iceman-- do you sell blueberry bushes year round and when can they go in the ground? I really want to get a few from you this year.
I finally have our run 99% complete! The hens will remain in the enclosure when we are out of the house!!! No more sneaking to the front yard and crossing the street :) We have a tractor that I really needed to enclose for the safety of the hens. They are now safe!!! So excited!!!! I made it a triangle to match the tractor shape - but it's almost 6" tall. Now I can breathe easy when I am out of the house

Edited to add: We arrived home this afternoon to find four hens standing as if their butts were points of a square, all facing a central point that was definitely a curiosity to them. I investigated and they had uncovered a hibernating toad! Poor thing just lay there, frozen. The girls had no interest in it (it must have tasted nasty) and they wandered off casually LoL.
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According to the weather man, it is supposed to get below zero in Asheville, NC. That's gonna be cold for sure. Only thing I can suggest is to keep the wind off them. Have extra water stored so you can offer it to them several times a day. Be careful using a heat lamp as the fire risk is not worth it.

Good luck. I hope your ladies do well.
My coop is about 18" off the ground with hardware wire encasing everything. I do however, have 3 brooder lites along the wire at the bottom on the OUTSIDE of the lower area wire (but inside the wing of the shed protected from the weather)...where they cannot be touched by the birds and cannot touch anything flammable such as wood/straw. We have sand in our run. They don't put our much heat and but they don't huddle around it for heat. I'll show you a pict of my coop during they summer...

A lovely 19 degrees out there. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Think I'll end up swapping water bottles several times today for the rabbits. It'll be interesting when I go out to see how the water has fared for the chickens. So far, water in the houses has not frozen, but the lowest we've gotten has been 23. Lots of body heat keeping the chicken house temps above freezing. How much can it handle?

Went to the Mebane outlets yesterday with Sis. Somehow I ended up buying baby things. How did that happen?
A lovely 19 degrees out there. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Think I'll end up swapping water bottles several times today for the rabbits. It'll be interesting when I go out to see how the water has fared for the chickens. So far, water in the houses has not frozen, but the lowest we've gotten has been 23. Lots of body heat keeping the chicken house temps above freezing. How much can it handle?

Went to the Mebane outlets yesterday with Sis. Somehow I ended up buying baby things. How did that happen?
You stand in the baby/ toddler isle playing with the noise makers??

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