North Carolina

Just went to check on the pump that's pumping the water outta my yard. It's still going and has a few more hours to go from the looks of it. But I seen that a young bull frog has moved in, hope its a sign that spring is on its way
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He/she is in back, front os a rumpless one that looks to be a hen
not going to be able to tell you much from those pics........
I would say if you do not see a contrast color in the wing boughs
or the pointy saddles then you can hold out hope for a pullet......
I can bring the expert by this weekend maybe........but then there is
that comb.......
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Good morning folks

Another nice day is on tap for us and it is SO giving
me the urge to play hookie from work.........but I can't.
I got the news yesterday from my AP what the make-up
days are going to be for those days of snow( 4 letter word there)
and they are NOT good. They picked Saturdays!!!!! and do you
think the two schools I drive for could pick the same Saturdays????
NO........ and one is even using Good Friday. I don't mind make-up
days but they need to be something reasonable and weekend days
just isn't it.

hope everyone has a good day
[COLOR=008000]Good morning folks  [/COLOR] :frow

[COLOR=008000]Another nice day is on tap for us and it is SO giving[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]me the urge to play hookie from work.........but I can't.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]I got the news yesterday from my AP what the make-up[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]days are going to be for those days of snow( 4 letter word there)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]and they are NOT good. They picked Saturdays!!!!! and do you[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]think the two schools I drive for could pick the same Saturdays????[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]NO........ and one is even using Good Friday. I don't mind make-up[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]days but they need to be something reasonable and weekend days[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]just isn't it.  [/COLOR] :tongue

[COLOR=008000]hope everyone has a good day [/COLOR] :caf
Wait....the schools don't have to stick to the same thing?? I'm sorry you have to work double to make up for that!

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