North Carolina

Where are you? My sister lives off of Old Hickory Grove Rd. I'm on the west side of Charlotte, just below the airport

I live on the Stanley side of Mt. Holly. Hickory Grove and shadowbrook will take you out to the subdivision. You out there where they just put in those new runways and screwed up all the streets? Quiet out here most nights. Excpet when you liquor them up, give them a race to watch or a fire are to shot. Those day you just keep the windows closed and stay close to the groud!!

Yes, we're right there at the airport - they will be offering buyouts in our neighborhood sometime around the end of the year....we're planning on moving up around Boger City side of Lincolnton.

Just looked at the map, you're not even a mile from my sister....she lives in the Southfork subdivision.
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Oh wow, that gives me chills! I am very cautious when going to buy anything on CL. I always bring my husband with me, but even then we are careful. Did you find your white silkie? I am looking for a buff one.
Hello W4T!

I grew up in Hendersonville, well about half way in between Hendersonville and Brevard in Penrose, and went through the Henderson County school system, Mills River, Rugby and then West many, many years ago. Whereabouts are you?

I am from North Of Winston Salem NC.

I have a flock of Ameraucanas :silver & wheaten bantams, LF b/b/s, LF Lavender, LF Blacks, LF Silvers

Also a flock of BBS Bantam Cochins, and Giant BBS cochins.

Anyoone that has pure Ameraucanas and have any for sale, let me know. I am just starting out and trying to build my flock for some colorful breedings. I love my ameraucanas and the cochins are just so darn cute and lovable I can't decide between the two until DH MAKES me choose.

I also have 1 Siberian Husky, 2 cats, and 3 pitbulls ....all of which are my children...

Anyone nearby?

I also need a good incubator...

Good to know there are a few of us North Carolinians on here...

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