North Idaho / Eastern Washington

I can check the availability of Post Falls too :)

Post Falls is wide open that day. They would only "book" it for 2 hours but said they won't make us leave as long as they don't book a time right after ours. I booked it for 1 o'clock that day in case we decide to go there. We can always cancel if not.
I like how the ducks are like nice, but no edict. They will run up to a bowl of food, not thinking about respecting the pecking order, and eat,quacking away as if to say "Come'on guys dig in!" chickens will act as if they are uncouth.
I don't know if I ever told the story of Monster my BCM roo from my first ever hatch...

Kevin (welsummer keeper roo) is to the left, Monster is center rear, and random teenage BCM to the right. Monster is a whole month+ younger than Kevin and Kevin's crew. Monster is aptly names, because he has about 3" of height and several pounds on Kevin. Monster has NEVER EVER crowed. EVER. He is as meek and mild as a hen. He is not caponized. One of the BCM teenagers was caught crowing today!! BEFORE MONSTER!! The teenagers were the 9 hatched in my Dec 1 batch. I don't know what to think of him. His sickle feathers haven't really grown in as long as some of the other roo's, hasn't crowed, etc etc. Do you all think possibly hormonal issues because of his extreme growth? He was on Nutrena Chick Starter for the first 12-16 weeks, then swapped with the main crew over to Nutrena All Flock. I don't know what to think of him! His colors are splotchy, and his combs/wattles haven't grown much/turned much redder than this pic a few weeks ago. He was in the same clutch/from same breeder as Squeaker our RSS BCM. I am so stumped on him.
could be because he is not done growing that he has not crowed. I had a chick who grew very big and from the start thought it was a boy, almost offed him a few times. called him Chuck till he layed an egg. now her name is Chuckwalla. She is quite friendly.
Put my eggs in a week ago today, woke this morning to a tripped outlet and 65 degrees in my hovabator....I got the temp back up and read that I shouldn't panic...if it wasn't long prolly no need for alarm. It's my 1st time and I would be happy if 6 of the 13 hatch, but 13 would be better...ha a bakers dozen...I'll have to name em after donuts!
Put my eggs in a week ago today, woke this morning to a tripped outlet and 65 degrees in my hovabator....I got the temp back up and read that I shouldn't panic...if it wasn't long prolly no need for alarm. It's my 1st time and I would be happy if 6 of the 13 hatch, but 13 would be better...ha a bakers dozen...I'll have to name em after donuts!

Yeah during the big wind storm in Nov we were with out power for 10 - 12 hrs, had 14 bcm eggs in the incubator. Got down to 65 as well, 9 of them hatched, but 6 are boys scheduled to go to freezer camp lol.
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